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Реферат Benitto Mussolini as a lider of Italy

that Fascist ideology is better than socialist for reforms. At that times Italy was a weak country with a lot of economical problems. Mussolini tried to lower unemployment in Italy. He started changing tax system and cooperates with workers. For a long term Mussolini was a prime minister but King Viktor Emanuel III was not all the time content with his work. Especially because during 1925-1926's Mussolini kept country under threat and ruled it how he wanted. Until 1925 after one of socialist leaders - Matteotii was murdered, all oppositional parties were forbidden. Mussolini became a dictator and continued to develop his second Rome Empire. Like Hitler he was called Commander-Duce and was surrounded with bombastic gestures. He started also aggressive foreign policy and continued it with invasion on Abyssinia in 1935.

During 1921-1922 Mussolini started to change his treatment to the Catholics. Mussolini didn't have any predilection to the church but he showed his respect. He started to show it when he decided to get married and christen his children.

Mussolini understood that the church has a high influence on the people and on this way he could avoid problems with the Italian Catholics.

In 1929 Mussolini and Cardinal Pietro Gasparii signed the Lateran Treaty which ended a long term conflict between Vatican and Italy. According to this treaty Italian government and Italian King were obliged to give the Pope Vatican city and obey its sovereignty. Besides that, the Lateran treaty defined other important matters in mutual relations. Italian government had to recognize the Catholic church, religion, its territories and properties. p> Since 1930 the Fascism ideology was spread in the Europe. Mussolini like Hitler was threat for a world peace and democracy. It was time when people in Italy finished their correspondence with words "Viva et Duce" which was like "Hail Hitler "in Germany. Duce wanted to create a new civilization after war. With his minister of Foreign Affairs Grandi thought that the Italy could prepare war against France. They had also plan to annex Tunisia, Corsica and French Somalia. In April 1934 in Venice first meeting between Hitler and Mussolini took place. Hitler wanted to clarify the Fascist policy to foreigners and he created a common front. His visit was an unofficial but Mussolini invited to Venice journalists from different countries. Cooperation of these two Fascist leaders was developing also during the Spanish Civil War. In 1936 and 1939 they sighted anticommunist and cooperation pacts which were widened with Japan in 1940. Mussolini was the one who called 1939 pact as Steel Pact. p> In the first days of war Mussolini tried to explain to Hitler, that he wanted to blockade the Great Britain. For Mussolini the British were a natural enemy and he thought that by helping Hitler he could weaken Great Britain. Although he also started to doubt if it could solve the Italian problems and informed Hitler that his country is not fully prepared to the war operations. In spite of it in July 1940 Italy entered for a Second World War. From the beginning the Italian Army didn't have any special successes and often called for German help. In the country opposition developed towards Mussolini and the Fascists and he started losing esteem in Italian society.

Hitler and Mussolini also could not understand each other. They had some confusing situations during the war. Mussolini was proud and didn't recognize Hitler's domination. He didn't want to be a Hitler's vessel. He had his own plans related with war but they failed when the Alliance Power entered Sicily. p> In 1943 his situation becomes very difficult when the king ordered to arrest him. He escaped with Hitler's help and for a moment governed some puppet state. At that time Italy declared war to Germany. Italian soldiers at war fronts were treated by Germans as traitors and assassinated. Growing resistance movement against German occupation and progress of Alliance army forced Mussolini to escape. In 1945 Mussolini tried to force his way to Switzerland. However he was recognized by the partisans and was shot to death. Duce's history finished in Mediolan where his and his lover Clara Petacci bodies were hung head down.

Addendum Mussolini maybe was not a great man as he wanted to be recognized. During his life he had an increasing and a decreasing. Through 20 years when he was in authority he was admired by the people and then hated. There was a saying that if something was bad Fascism was blamed and if something was well it was made by Mussolini. He tried to develop Italy and changed its weak economic situation through fascism ideology. Mussolini said that nobody is enemy or friend and he could not understand the world without fascism.

There is a statement that nobody didn't contribute to Fascism spread deeper th...

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