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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Сочинения » The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarotti

Реферат The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarotti

role of a pathway. The ratio between the negative and the positive space is well balanced: the simplicity of Adams surroundings is evened out by the dynamics created by the angels and the voluminous red cape in the top left corner. Another diagonal that lies within this piece is the green hill which Adam is resting upon. The color of the hill serves a role of unification, as it pairs up with the flaring green scarf and unifies the work by connecting the two sides. Even though God and Adam share a similar position, God is elevated over him. This symbolizes the superiority of the deity over the ordinary man. Another curious thing to notice is the similarity between the red cape filled with angels with a human organ, particularly the brain. This allusion to the human organs explains the choice of the color for the cape and the complex weaving done by the bodies of the angels. Modern scientists have now proved that Michelangelos representation of the brain is anatomically accurate. Each angel under the cape stands for a certain part of the brain. It is fascinating how Michelangelo figured out which part of this complex organ stands for what part of our personality: he placed the sad angel under Gods right arm, at the area which is activated when people are thinking sad thoughts and God in the frontal lobe-the part that is responsible for our personality. If the whole structure with the cape is perceived as the brain, then the feet of the god and angels, along with the scarf now transform into the brainstem and arteries.

Through these various symbols, Michelangelo communicates a multitude messages and ideas .. The first and most obvious message being sent to us is the contrast between god and Adam: the lively wisdom and the inert simplicity of Adam. Seeing Gods figure, full of movement, and stretching out to Adam, one perceives his willingness to endow Adam with the spark of life, while on the other hand, Adams relaxed pose shows him as though taking the prodigious gift for granted, not putting much effort into receiving the spark. This gives people awareness of how we underestimate the gift that was given to us by God. The composition also emphasizes the separation of the man from the world of angels. Now about the anatomical interpretation: God is located right in the cape, which represents the brain. This highlights the importance of the brain within a person. Michelangelo was able to understand that the brain is the organ that gives godly spark to each person, serves as a possible key into life. This place of God within this image could also signify that each person has a part of god in themselves, but due to the strict religious boundaries set during the time of Renaissance, this seems unlikely. Even though Adam and God haven't yet linked their hands, the man is already alive. This is similar the way that neurons are transferred through the nerves in the brain: the ends don't touch, even though the message is being passed. Through Body language, symbols and emotions Buonarotti managed to open up a great area of ​​interpretation, connecting all of the areas of knowledge.

Even after having analyzed this magnificent piece of artwork, one can't claim to have obtained entire knowledge about the piece. One can never be certain that all of the messages hidden by Michelangelo were revealed. The only thing that one can be certain of is that this piece is that it is iconic in terms of describing the Renaissance. Michelangelo managed to connect art, anatomy, chemistry, biology and theology all into one united work. It is hard to imagine how Michelangelo obtained such precise information about the functions of the different parts of the brain, and came up with the idea to replace it with the angels. The play of emotions of the characters again fascinates me: the longing expression on Adams face is combined with his gesture seems to be able to strike a chord in any person. It is relevant to say that the style of Buonarotti was greatly influenced by the Greek and Roman artwork, and that the grandeur of Adams torso is an indirect allusion towards the ancient Greek and Roman gods. After having spent so much time with this art piece I know that this piece is one of the most outstanding artworks that have ever been done by a human being, but as Michelangelo once said: "If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all. "


1. Wikipedia free encyclopedia (Nd) Sistine Chapel ceiling, retrieved 5 November from # "#"> # "#"> # "#"> # "#">

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