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Реферат The general knowledge of neologisms

libbie). the 70s libbies declared that the English language discriminated women. As a result of it the names denoting occupations and containing the element man underwent some changes. The word cameraman was substituted by operator, fireman - fire-fighter, chairman - chairperson, policeman - police officer. Even in church the word mankind was substituted by people. At the same time the names of women s professions were changed: stewardess - flight attendant, nurse - male nurse, male secretary. He/she in written speech is used when both sexes are meant. S/he variant is less frequently used. the 80-s - 90-s of the 20 th century neologisms were connected with lifestyles (belonger, ladies who lunch, theme pub); computerisation (laptop, to back up, to toggle); economics (sunrise industry, sunset industry, dawn raid); music (acid house, MTV, New Age music); mass media (video nasty, video piracy, tabloid television); art (crossfader, body-popping); medicine (to burn out, PWA, ME); education (baker day, City technology college; fashion (body conscious, leisure wear); cookery (jacket crisp, tapas). New words are everywhere., what kind of words can be defined as neologisms ? Neologisms are words and expressions used for new concepts that appear in the course of the language development, new meanings of the already existing words and new names of old concepts., the researchers have not been reached one general agreement on the question about neologism. Researchers with different knowledge backgrounds may define neologism in different ways.

Neologisms (from Greek neo = "new" + logos = "word") is word term or phrase which has been recently created - often to apply to new concepts, or to reshape older terms in newer language form.term "neologism" was itself coined around 1800 thus for some time in the early 19th century, the word "neologism" was itself a neologism. It can also refer to an existing word or phrase which has been assigned a new meaning.psychology a neologism is a word invented by a person suffering from a language disorder, which may occur in the context of psychosis or aphasia acquired after brain damage clinicians can sometimes use these neologisms, which often have meaning only to the subject, as clues to determine the nature of the disorder.theology a neologism is a relatively new doctrine (for example, rationalism also known as the rationalist movement, is a philosophical doctrine that asserts that the truth can best be discovered by reason and factual analysis, rather than faith dogma or religious teaching.). In this sense, a neologist is an innovator in the area of ​​a doctrine or belief system, and is often considered heretical or subversive by the mainstream church. linguistics a neologism (from Greek <# "justify"> The common thing is that neologism is not yet registered in dictionaries and in most cases it is a colloquial for the time being. term neologism is first attested in English in 1772, borrowed from French n é ologisme (1734). However, as early as the second half of the 18th century, it became obvious that the vocabulary of literary expression should and perhaps could not be fully limited. modern, neutral meaning of neologism appears early in the 19th century. The basic complications during the translation of neologisms, it is the explaining of the meaning of the new word. are especially useful in identifying inventions, new phenomena, or old ideas which have taken on a new cultural context. In general, neologisms may be introduced into English vocabulary because of the rapid progress of modern science and technology, political struggle, changes in social habits, economic development, etc. New words are being invented or introduced all the time.

However, those old words that hold the new meaning are also considered as neologisms. So far a general criterion for defining neologisms can be found: 1) neologisms are the words which didn t occur before and are newly built and currently enter into the common lexicons. 2) Neologisms are the words which within a certain period of time, have been widely accepted by people and still find their applications nowadays. 3) Neologisms are those old words which carry the new meanings.for the time of criteria for seclusion of new-foundation and neologism exactly to decide it is impossible, it has a sense to use subjective criteria: if it receive the collective language consciousness this or that lexical unit as a new.the sequent we will name it with the term neologism , any word for their comfort have the statue of lexical new-foundation, as the quality of own neologism.basic complica...

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