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Реферат United states of America: geography, history, culture

> Interior Plains - part of the interior contentintal United States, it includes much of what is called the Great Plains.

Interior Highlands - also part of the interior contentintal United States, this division includes the Ozark Plateau.

Rocky Mountain System - one branch of the Cordilleran system lying far inland in the western states.

Intermontane Plateaus - also divided into the Columbia Plateau, the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range Province, it is a system of plateaus, basins, ranges and gorges between the Rocky and Pacific Mountain Systems. It is the setting for the Grand Canyon, the Great Basin and Death Valley.

Pacific Mountain System - the coastal mountain ranges and features in the west coast of the United States.Point:. McKinley, (Alaska) 20,320 ft. (6,194 m). Point: (continental 48 states) Whitney, (California) is the highest point at 14,495 ft (4,418 m) Point: Valley, (California) (-282 ft.) (-86 M) Elevation: (average ) 2,512 feetBorders:, USA - Canada 1,538 miles (2,475 km) - USA 3,145 miles (5,061 km) - USA 1,951 miles (3,141 km) Countries (2) Canada and Mexico :: 12,383 miles (19,928 km) coastline: 2,069 miles ( 3,330 km) coastline: + Hawaii: 7,623 miles (12,268 km) of Mexico coastline: 1,631 miles (2,625 km) coastline: 1,060 miles (1,706 km)

3. Main Rivers

Riverin the Rocky Mountains of northern Colorado, it moves southwest ending in the Gulf of California. It is (1,450 miles) (2,333 km) in length, and has formed numerous canyons along its winding path. The most famous of these is the Grand Canyon in northern Arizona.river has more than 30 electric power plants along its run and dozens of dams and reservoirs.Riverwide, fast-flowing river begins in the Canadian Rockies of southeast British Columbia, Canada, flowing south through the State of Washington, then forming the natural border between Washington and Oregon. It ends in the Pacific Ocean and it is (1,152 miles) (1,857 km) in length.power development in the river basin brought inexpensive electricity to the Pacific Northwest, but it severely affected salmon spawning and local fish migration.Riveris the major river of North America and the United States (2,339 miles) (3,765 km). It flows from northwestern Minnesota south to the Gulf of Mexico, just below the city of New Orleans. It is a significant transportation artery and when combined with its major tributaries (the Missouri and Ohio rivers) it becomes the third largest river system in the world.Riverbegins in southern Montana in the Rocky Mountains, first flowing north then generally southeast across the heart of the United States, ending at the...

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