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Реферат The post-war period and the Cold War

nted with various ways of covertly facilitating the overthrow of the Cuban government. Significant hopes were pinned on a covert program named the Cuban Project <# "center"> Nixon, Brezhnev, and dйtente

Following his China visit, Nixon met with Soviet leaders, including Brezhnev in Moscow. These Strategic Arms Limitation Talks <# "center"> Second Cold War (1979-85)

term second Cold War has been used by some historians to refer to the period of intensive reawakening of Cold War tensions and conflicts in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Tensions greatly increased between the major powers with both sides becoming more militaristic. p> Moscow had built up a military that consumed as much as 25 percent of the Soviet Union's gross national product at the expense of consumer goods <# "center"> Final years (1985-91)

By the time the comparatively youthful Mikhail Gorbachev <# "justify"> cold war khrushchev eisenhower


Following the Cold War, Russia cut military spending dramatically, creating a wrenching adjustment as the military-industrial sector had previously employed one of every five Soviet adults, meaning its dismantling left millions throughout the former Soviet Union unemployed. After Russia embarked on capitalist economic reforms in the 1990s, it suffered a financial crisis < and a recession more severe than the US and Germany had experienced during the Great Depression en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Depression>. russian living standards have worsened overall in the post-Cold War years, although the economy has resumed growth since 1999.aftermath of the Cold War continues to influence world affairs. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union <, the post-Cold War world is widely considered as unipolar < ;, with the United States the sole remaining superpower. The Cold War defined the political role of the United States in the post-World War II world: by 1989 the US held military alliances with 50 countries, and had 526,000 troops posted abroad in dozens of countries, with 326,000 in Europe (two-thirds of which in west Germany) and about 130,000 in Asia (mainly Japan and South Korea). The Cold War also marked the apex of peacetime military-industrial complexes <, especially in the USA, and large-scale military funding of science . These complexes, though their origins may be found as early as the 19th century, have grown considerably during the Cold War. The military-industrial complexes have great impact on their countries and help shape their society, policy and foreign relations.expenditures by the US during the Cold War years were e...

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