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Реферат Scottish Customs and Traditions

metimes worn hanging from the back of the cap. A regimental or clan badge is worn on the left-hand side, affixed to a silk <# "justify"> scottish weddings kilt sporran

The Great Highland Bagpipe

The Great Highland Bagpipe (Scottish Gaelic <# "justify"> Г¬ ob mh ГІ r; often abbreviated GHB in English) is a type of bagpipe <# "justify">? . Although less so now, depending on the tuning of the player, certain notes are tuned slightly off just intonation <# "justify"> Г¬ obaireachd simply means "pipe music", but it has been adapted into English as piobaireachd <# "justify"> ГІ lm ГІ r, and "light music" (such as marches and dance tunes) is referred to as ce ГІ l beag. ГІ lm ГІ r consists of a slow "ground" movement (Gaelic Г№ rlar) which is a simple theme, then a series of increasingly complex variations on this theme, and ends with a return to the ground. Ce ГІ l Beag includes marches (2/4, 4/4, 6/8, 3/4, etc), dance tunes (particularly strathspeys, reels, hornpipes, and jigs), slow airs, and more. The ce ГІ lm ГІ r style was developed by the well-patronized dynasties of bagpipers - MacArthurs, MacGregors <#" justify"> Г¬ obaireachd, for example the dare, vedare, chedare, darado, taorluath and crunluath. Some of these embellishments have found their way into light music over the course of the 20th century. These embellishments are also used for note emphasis, for example to emphasize the beat note or other phrasing <# "justify"> "Few attempts have been made hitherto to combine the bagpipes with classical orchestral instruments, due mainly to conflicts of balance and tuning, "said composer Graham Waterhouse <#" justify"> s Salute op. 34a for Great Highland Bagpipe and String Orchestra (2001). "A satisfactory balance was achieved in this piece by placing the piper at a distance from the orchestra." [7] < Peter Maxwell Davies 'Orkney Wedding, With Sunrise (1985) also features a GHB solo towards the end.GHB plays a role as both a solo and ensemble instrument. In ensembles, it is generally played as part of a pipe band. One notable form of solo employment is the position of Piper to the Sovereign <

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