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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » China Airlines as a complex system

Реферат China Airlines as a complex system

s) and functioning ( dynamics). structure is the organization of relations between elements and subsystems, it is all that brings order to a set of objects, ie set of relations between parts of a whole, necessary to achieve the goal.goal is a description, representation of the most desirable state of the system, the result of deliberate human activity predicted in advance, what the person should seek, and the model of the desirable future.is a set of changes in the system, its response to external influence.is the ability of the system to save its behavior as long as it is needed, in the absence of external influences that lead it out from the state of rest, (or under permanent effects). is the system's ability to return to equilibrium after it was withdrawn from this state under the influence of external factors. s description (specification) is a description of all its elements (subsystems), their relationships, purpose, functions in some areas, ie, all admissible states., coherence or relative independence from the environment and systems (it is the most essential quantitative characteristic of the system), if coherence disappears the system itself disappears, although the elements of the system, and even some ties, relations between them can be saved.of subsystems and relations between them, a structure or the presence of the system s structure (this is the most essential qualitative characteristic of the system), the disappearance of the subsystems or relations between them may cause the system to disappear.of the properties or their not being innate to the properties of elements is the effect of organization, is the result of initiation between the elements of synergy.is defining a system family of models (striation), each of which describes behavior of a system from the point of view of its respective level of abstraction.multilayered hierarchy is a family of sequentially solvable problems. Each layer is a block that makes the decision, or level of complexity of the decision made, allocated to reduce uncertainty. (Organizational hierarchy) is represented as independent subsystems that cooperate.System Analyzes



I.Theoretical part

.1 Description of the airline in terms of systems theory

1.2. Characteristics of the system and its properties.Analytical Part

2.1Description of the structure of the airline (for multiple features) and the structure of its subsystems, their analysis

2.2 Description of the environmental features of the transport company

2.3Analysis of the main activities of the airline, identifying the main goal, other goals. Building the objective tree of the airline




Airlines (CAL) - is the largest airline in Taiwan a...

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