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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » China Airlines as a complex system

Реферат China Airlines as a complex system

nd the flag carrier of the Republic of China. Although not directly state-owned, the airline is owned by China Airlines Group, which is owned by the China Aviation Development Foundation, which is in turn owned by the government of the Republic of China., Airlines are increasingly important and rank is not the first place in the speed of transportation, facilities, quality of service as passenger and freight at different distances to the most remote corners of the world. Nowadays, passenger or cargo can be delivered in any country for a short time.of this course paper is rather important in our time as grows in air-transportation system is observed. Our task is to analyze China Airlines by terns of system and give the detailed description of its properties, characteristics, activities and functions.aim of study of this course work is China Airlines , which is considered as a complex system. Purpose of the researching is to generalize the theoretical knowledge of students on general systems theory and systems analysis procedure and practical skills of a systems approach to the analysis of the transport company as a complex system.

I. Theoretical part

.1 Description of the airline in terms of systems theory

transport airline ecological

System - is a set of elements associated with each other, which forms one object to achieve the goal and needed resources.main features of the system are:

. Integrity, coherence or relative independence from the environment and systems (it is the most essential quantitative characteristic of the system), if coherence disappears the system itself disappears, although the elements of the system, and even some ties, relations between them can be saved .

. Existence of subsystems and relations between them, a structure or the presence of the system s structure (this is the most essential qualitative characteristic of the system), the disappearance of the subsystems or relations between them may cause the system to disappear.

. Relation with the environment of shared resources; possibility of separation or abstraction from the environment. p align="justify">. Subordination of the whole organization to some goals. p align="justify">. Emergence (The system property is not the sum of the properties of parts, property of the system depends on the properties of elements, the combined elements to the system may lose a number of properties which were inherent to them outside the system, ie the system as it suppresses some of the properties of its elements.

. Synergy is increasing the efficiency of the integration. Synergetics i...

Назад | сторінка 3 з 17 | Наступна сторінка

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