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Реферат Racism and prejudice and their role in cross-cultural communication

cesses. The first step involves individuals hearing or reading a message and immediately evaluating where the message falls within their own position. The second step involves individuals adjusting their particular attitude either toward or away from the message they heard.or new forms, less alarming or more obvious, racism is dangerous to civil societies. There is no such thing as a less dangerous type of racism because all types of racism lead to discrimination and violation of international laws. Racial discrimination is the less favorable treatment of persons because they are thought to belong in particular racial groups. It is one of the forms of discrimination which are to be prohibited in fulfillment of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In this day and age where cultural boundaries are being dismantled by advances in technology and communication, racism can spread faster and wide. Victims can be hapless innocents that are being discriminated without their knowing it. New forms of racism and discrimination based on the idea of ​​inequality among cultures threaten to emerge in the 21st century. These tacit forms of racism and racial discrimination are essentially structural.

. Definitions and types of a stereotype

, stereotypes and prejudice has been present in almost every civilization and society throughout history. Even though the world has progressed greatly in the last couple of decades, both socially and technologically, racism, hatred and prejudice still exists today, deeply embedded in old-fashioned, narrow-minded traditions and values. Both prejudice and stereotypes are cultural elements as they are generated socially but not biologically. They are permanent, wide-spread elements of our everyday life. They are transferred from generation to generation and preserved due to customs and norms. Carrying social experience and being suggested to an individual during education and communication a stereotype helps him or her to get adopted to the present life and guides their behavior. Mostly all the prejudices are represented in culture through normative commandments that is particular views and believes about the world and about the way one society should treat representatives of other ethnic and social groups.term "stereotype" (Greek stereos - firm, typos - print ) was introduced by the American sociologist W. Lippmann. In his book "Public opinion" (1922) he tried to define the place and the role of stereotypes in the system of the society. He used the word "stereotype", meaning a specific perception of the world, influencing on our feelings before the data gets our minds. According to Lippmann, trying to perceive the world with all the contradictory points a human being creates an image of the phenomena he has never experienced. Such images are formed due to the cultural environment: "For the most part we do not first se...

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