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Реферат Visions of the future

ign="justify"> How are you?: We are fine thanks. And how are you getting on?: I m fine too. Thank you. What day is it today?: Today is ...: What date is it today?: Today is ...: Who is absent?: All are present.

2) Целеполагание today s lesson is devoted to discussing our future life and visions of the future fifty years from now. We ll find out what collocations are and how many types do they have. Also we ll start to watch fiction film The Day After Tomorrow. So we have a lot to do. Let s start.

II. Актуалізація опорних знань

) Мовна зарядка

Write SCIENCE FICTION on the board.the names of some science fiction films and write them on the board.Day GattacaTrek Men in BlackFifth Elementright! Now you are to answer the following questions:

What aspects of life in the future do these films show? (Journeys into space and time, aliens, technological progress, robots, different climates, etc.)

Will life in the future really be like this? them in pairs, please.

2) Перевірка домашнього завдання

Ok! Let s check your home task. You were to do in a written form exercises 1 and 2 (5.3) on page 115 (SB). So don t forget to hand in them for checking at the end of the lesson., You were to read the text Fifty Years On and do exercise 1 on page 44 in your WB and exercises 2 and 3 on page 49 in your SB. Am I right? First of all let s focus on the pictures on page 48 which show visions of the future fifty years from now and try to describe them. Who can?, Let s read it again and then answer the question:

Which one do you think is the most likely to come true? t forget to give the reasons for your choice.we ll check exercise 1 on page 44 in your WB . You were to match the sentence beginnings with the endings.


1. c 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. g6. b 7. dthe last exercise that you have done at home is exercise 3 on page 49 (SB) . You were also to match opinions with expert 1-6. There was one opinion that you do not need. s check. During checking, ask what these words mean, their definitions: - how long a person lives-arms or legsmelt - to make or become liquefied by heatingprevent - to keep (something) from happening

Key: a - 3b - 6c - d - 2e - 1f - 4g - 5

III. Основна частина

) Робота з текстом

We are going to continue our discussing this text and do exercise 4 on this page. You are to match the verbs and nouns to make phrases from the texts. Work individually, please.your attention to the next word combination: to suffer from illnesses, not just to suffer illnesses.

Key: 1. e2. g3. a4. f5. c6. b7. dnext you task is to complete the sentences with phrases from exercise 4. It is exercise 5 on page 49 (SB). You can compare your answers with a partner. :

1. replace damaged parts

. treat illnesses

. provi...

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