to be sure you know the meaning of every word. 1. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A system for examining the way a company is run to see what the good and bad points are. (SWOT analysis) 2. Something that you want to achieve in the future or simply aim . (Goals) 3. A plan or series of plans for achieving the aim. ( strategy ) 4. An outsider - a person who doesn t work in the company and looks at the problems more realistically. (a management consultant) 5. Dealing with problems or solving problems . (Troubleshooting) T: And now, complete the sentences with a proper key-vocabulary. (Слайд 4) Студенти вставляють відповідні за змістом слова. Sometimes companies realize that they are not achieving their GOALS or objectives effectively, that they are not getting the results they need. In this case they have to re-plan their STRATEGY. It can be useful to get an outsider, eg a MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT to analyze the company s performance and recommend changes to make it more efficient. A SWOT ANALYSIS can be useful. TROUBLESHOOTING , or solving problems, is a necessary part of running a company.II. Основна частина Етап 3. Читання з витяганням детальної інформації Мета: вдосконалення навичок читання Прийоми : читання тексту, фронтальна бесіда (Слайд 5) T: Now you ll read the text which contains the information about the Fashion Model Agency IMG. It solves a problem through successful troubleshooting strategies. Read it carefully. Етап 4. Складання аналізу роботи компанії Мета: cсовершенствованіе навичок аналізу Прийоми: робота в парах, фронтальна бесіда (Слайд 6) T: Work in pairs and use the points to complete a SWOT analysis for IMG. Possible answers: Strengths: a, d Opportunities: e, g, i, j weaknesses: c, f threats: b, h Compare your SWOT analysis with a partner and see if there are any differences. (Other variants are possible if students can justify successfully) Етап 5. Знаходження рішень виходу з важкої ситуації Мета: розвиток монологічного мовлення та аналізу Прийоми: фронтальна бесіда (Слайд 7) T: So we ve done SWOT analysis and it s time to find solutions for the problems the model agency has faced. Match the situations and the recommendations or solutions: 1e, 2c, 3d, 4b, 5a. And finally, let s sum up what should be done to make the company profitable. Possible answers: 1. In order not to loose the company s reputation, it s useful to appoint a new MD with a new strategy. 2. The models who are not making money shouldn t be represented any more. Instead new models ought to be attracted. 3. They should think of ways of reducing the costs of running the agency. 4. Because of the weak financial position, new ways to improve the situation should be found quickly not to make the shareholders unhappy. 5. As t...