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Реферат The American History in Film Project, "The Help"

he movie shows us the life of «white» society of the 60-s as accurate as possible.central, core part of this society is occupied by people (in this case we see only women), who are staunch advocates of the old tradition of discrimination and segregation. Most of the movie we see these women together, whether they have a party or just gather in the Hilly s house to discuss the relationships or their maids. Hilly has a say in every issue, because she is the President of the Junior League of Jackson. She abuses her power, as she imposes her own opinion on everybody. Sometimes it seemed to me that her friends were not so mean and heartless as she was, but they were too weak and afraid to oppose her and express their own opinion on the issues. For example, when at the end of the movie Aibileen, Elizabeth s maid, was slandered, it was Hilly who showed her the door. Elizabeth was not so decisive, but at Hilly s insistence she had to fire the maid. These women could not resist Hilly s power, because saying something that diverged from Hilly s point of view would basically put them in a position against Hilly and the society, and nobody wanted it. They considered it awful to be like Celia Foote, a social misfit; or like Eugenia Skeeter, who did not have a husband and had to work. Everybody preferred though a dependent, but comfortable and stable life. Throughout the movie Hilly and the people of her «breed» do not change, representing an example of purely negative characters., In the movie there are instances when a person had to yield to the society, but afterwards realized he was wrong. This is the situation with Charlotte Phelon and her maid, whom she had to fire to keep up appearances with the other women. But by the end of the movie we see the improvement in her character: she defends Skeeter by showing deep disrespect towards Hilly and with it - the standards of society.character, who, on the one hand, follows the norms of the society, but on the other hand, opposes them, is Celia Foote. She does not go against the tradition of having maids, but she treats them like friends, she respects them for their qualities and skills and sometimes even downgrades her own position to make a compliment and show respect for her newly found maid Minny. She eats at Minny s table with her; she asks her for advice and for help; she is grateful for what Minny is doing for her. She even hugs her, when Minny agrees to work for her.for Eugenia - this is an example of a purely positive character, who not only treats maids with respect, but helps them, tries to change their lives, fighting for their «inalienable» human rights. She is strongly emotionally attached to Constantine, the maid who had raised her; and Constantine, in her turn, had always loved the girl., we see the complexity of the relationships of blacks and whites of that time, because these relations were not always full of mistrust, hate and abuse - there was also love, attachment and care present.my opinion, hatred and disgust that maids could feel towards their owners is evident. No one would like to be deprived of his basic rights and be abused by immoral heartless people like, for example, Hilly. I can hardly imagine the feelings of black people who were considered second-class people without any reason, but were so oppressed and scared by the society that they could not dare change anything.hatred that white women could feel towards black ones can be, first , simply ...

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