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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Political party system

Реферат Political party system

PartyConservativeLabourLiberal DemocratLast election198 32.4% 355, 35.2% 62, 22.0% Seats before21034962Seats won30625857Seat change97915Popular vote10, 703,6548,606,5176,836,248 Percentage36.1 % 29.0% 23.0% Swing3.7% 6. 2% 1. 0% it became clear that no party would achieve an overall majority the three main party leaders made public statements offering to discuss the options for forming the next government with the other parties.

On 11 May 2010, as coalition talks between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats seemed to be drawing to a successful conclusion, Gordon Brown <# «center»> 2. The Conservative party

The Conservative Party, officially the Conservative and Unionist Party and colloquially referred to as the Tory Party or the Tories, is a centre-right <# «center»> 2.1 Policies of the Conservative party

2.1.1 Economic, social and justice policies

The party's reputation for economic stewardship was dealt a blow by Black Wednesday <# «center»> 2.1.2 Foreign and European union policies

For much of the 20th century, the Conservative party took a broadly Atlanticist <# «center»> 2.1.3 Welfare, health and drug policies

Improving the welfare of Britain's military service personnel is a priority for the Conservative Party. One of their main goals is to repair the Military Covenant <# «center»> 2.1.4 Education and job policies

In education, the Conservatives have pledged to review the National Curriculum <# «center»> 2.2 The structure of the party

In the organisation of the Conservative Party, constituency <# «justify"> According to its members, the CWO is

· The grassroots network that provides support and focus for women in the Conservative Party

· Reaching out to women in all parts of the community

· Campaigning on issues of particular concern to women both nationally and internationally

· Encouraging women to be politically active and to get elected at all levels

· Ensuring that the women's perspective is taken into account because women see things differently to men

· Helping the Conservative Party capture the women's vote

3. The Labour party

The Labour Party is a centre-left <# «center»> 3.1 Party constitution and structure

The Labour Party is a membership organisation consisting of Constituency Labour Parties <# «center»> 3.2 Policies of the Labour party

Economic policy. The party insisted it would be relentless in getting value for money from the public sector for every pound spent, finding efficiency savings and eliminating waste.said it would overhaul the way government runs by cutting back-office costs, getting rid of unnecessary quangos, and by sharply reducing consultancy fees and marketing expenditure., the manifesto ducks the reality that real cuts in public services must be made in order to reduce the government deficit, which will reach? 167? billion this year.

Specific economic promises <# «justify"> · Building a high-tech economy and modernising of infrastructure

· Supporting business and industry to c...

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