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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Ukrainian break-through in the European and World strategy of individual prophylaxis of an ischemic stroke in patients with arterial hypertension

Реферат Ukrainian break-through in the European and World strategy of individual prophylaxis of an ischemic stroke in patients with arterial hypertension

for identification of a clinical risk factor and a degree of its expressiveness. In a basis of this development is a process of formation of a blood clot, clinical predictor which is interfaced to hypercoagulation state. We have developed new laboratory technology which registers a condition of 36 integrated biomarkers of coagulation cascade and fibrinolysis of whole blood. Owing to this method it has been established, that at АH hypercoagulation develops only in 61,9%, at other cases takes place hypocoagulation (22,0%) or is kept normocoagulation state 17,0%). At the analysis of data were have allocated X degrees of infringement of the coagulation cascade and have generated groups of patients with a various degree of a clinical risk factor. As at IX and X degrees the sharp ischemic stroke is demonstrated, VI-VIII degrees have been estimated as an attribute of a high risk factor. Opportunity of revealing of a various degree of a risk factor was the basis for additions and specifications of recommendations of 2013 XVI European conference Guidelines in aspect to what patients is necessary urgency and aggressive therapy and what there is a technique of such treatment .. the analysis of results it has been ascertained, that urgency therapy should be applied intravenously or intramuscularly at a high clinical risk factor. As аntiplatelet drugs have been chosen acelysin. After development of a technique of calculation of individual dozes (on weight of a body and a degree of a risk factor) the program has been successfully approved in a clinical practice. For the first time it has been revealed, that for qualitative prevention of a stroke it is necessary intramuscular therapy, which allows quickly (within 4-6 days) to lower high coagulation potential on 300-400% (ie from VIII item to II item ) and to improve a clinical condition of the patient without occurrence any hemorrhage complications., for optimization of individual treatment of patients with АH the doctor should be guided by new concept about this pathology, and urgency and aggression of treatment for prevention of an ischemic stroke it is necessary to apply at presence of a high clinical risk factor. Hence, absence of such approach in +2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines will be reflected in preservation of high parameters of death rate and physical inability of the population from a stroke, and purpose Polypill without adequate diagnostics of a clinical-laboratory risk factor and monitoring of biomarkers of the coagulation cascade contradicts representation about pathogenetic qualitative treatment also that such treatment is counter-indicative at a hypocoagulation and a normocoagulation state of whole blood. current stroke prevention guidelines do not provide adequate methodology information to permit assessment of their quality, potential bias and clinical applicability (RG Hart et al.- Neurology, +2012, 59: 977-82), and inadequate access to cardiovascular prevention (G. Saposnik et al.- Stroke, +2011, 42: 3336-3337), for the decision of a catastrophic social problem we have been invented new laboratory technology Coaguloscope TS (the patent of the Ukraine). This device registers and calculates with help of the special computer program 36 new integrated biomarkers of the coagulation cascade and fibrinolysis system in a whole blood. High information tests it has been confirmed in investigation of patients at cardiology institute, in neurology department of hospitals №3 and № 9, in medical centers Consilium and Avizenna of city Kiev (Ukraine). In total 818 people, including 120 healthy individuals (control group) and 404 patients with a high blood pressure, including of ischemic heart disease at 178 cases, have been surveyed. As inhibition of coagulation is the key therapeutic principle for stroke prevention (J. Steffel et al., 2009) for clinical practice two integrated tests (the coagulation module - CM and the fibrinolysis module- FM) have been offered. These biomarkers allows the doctor to identify patients with a clinical cardiovascular risk factor, to determine risk degree, to calculate an individual dose of the antiplatelet agent and to use antiplatelet agents only in the presence of laboratory signs of a hypercoagulable state. Except that CM and FM have signs «+» and «-« reflecting change of activity of hemostasis system accordingly towards increase or decrease. As CM and FM reflect process thrombus formation and, hence, are qualitative indicators of a clinical (pathogenetic) risk factor of an ischemic stroke, character of infringement of a hemostasis has been conditionally divided into X degrees. We have suggested to consider CM + I-II of degrees, as a low risk factor of thrombus formation, CM + III-V of degrees - moderate risk, CM + VI-VIII of degrees- high risk and CM + IX-X of degrees- very high risk factor which usually take place in patients who were hospitalised with acute ischemic stroke..the subjective approach to treatme...

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