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Реферат Analyses and origin of Trait theory of leadership, its strengths and weaknesses and the pre-conditions for its effective use


survey or research about leadership is done in 20th century that concentrates on what makes people great leaders. After determining the inherent characteristics or qualities of Great Man theory such as Gandhi, Napoleon, Nelson Mandela, etc. After this, the research is concentrated on finding the inborn traits of the people (Khan, +2014, p. 1) .research related to study Trait theory of leadership began in 1910. A challenge is given to the theory in the mid of 20th century that no specific traits or qualities separate leaders from other individuals. A person can be leader in one condition but it s not necessary that the same person is leader in second or another situation (Hazem Abolrous, 2014, npg).

· The Trait theory of leadership insists on traits and nature of leader.

· In current years, it was found by Alliger, 1986 and Lord DeVader 1986 that personality traits are linked with person s idea of ??leadership.

· It was stated by Locke and Kirkpatrick, 1991, that effectual and successful leaders are different types of people in various respects.

· It begins with putting focus on qualities/traits, switched the focus on circumstances, then again moved back to qualities and traits.

· 2 surveys gave better outline of Trait theory. They are given below (Hazem Abolrous, +2014, npg).

v Stogdill survey, 1948:

traits are scrutinized in this survey. By owning or having merely these traits does not make an individual leader. The traits, the leader have should be according to the circumstances in which the leader works. The traits that differentiate a leader from other leaders or individuals are given below (Northouse, 2007, p. 20).

? Alertness? Initiative

? Insight? Intelligence

? Persistence? Responsibility

? Sociability? Self-confidence

v Stogdill survey 1974: 1974, second survey of Stogdill is published. 163 traits are scrutinized in this survey. He compared the findings of both studies and from the conclusion; he found that the 1974 survey was more balanced. This survey argues that both Situational factors and Personality factors are important for determining the leadership capabilities. Also Stogdill, 1974 survey was better balanced than the previous one (Northouse, 2007, p. 21) .given traits separate leaders from others:

? Achievement? Insight

? Initiative? Self-confidence

? Persistence? Responsibility

? Cooperativeness? Influence

? Tolerance? Sociability

v Mann s survey 1959: study similar to previous one is carried out by Mann, 1959 in which 1,400 traits are analyzed. In his survey, he put less stress on situational factors that how they affect leadership. He found that leaders have strength and efficacy in following 6 traits (Northouse, 2007, p. 21).

? Adjustment? Conservatism

? Dominance? Extraversion

? Intelligence? Masculinity

v Lord, DeVader and Allinger survey 1986: s findings are re-evaluated by Lord et al, 1986 by using meta-analysis procedure. They found three traits that are associated with how individuals are seen as leaders. The three traits are given below (Northouse, 2007, pp. 21-22).

? Intelligence? Masculinity

? Dominance

v Kirkpatrick and Locke survey 1991: was stated by Locke and Kirkpatrick, 1991 that Leaders are different from others. The Trait theory of leadership and the long time research that is conducted on Trait theory gives a list of traits to leaders that they can acquire or develop. They suggested that there are 6 traits that differentiate leaders from others and they are the following (Northouse, 2007, p. 22).

? Cognitive Ability? Drive

? Motivation? Task knowledge

? Integrity? Confidence

: Adapted from Northouse, 2007; p. 23

1. Illustrates different surveys conducted by different researchers .traits that are common in all surveys are:

. Intelligence: The leader should have affective capability, strong lexical capability and reasoning. Surveys and research shows that intellectual ability of leader should not be very high from its team members. If it is high between leaders and, it will have negative impact (Northouse, 2007, pp. 23-24).

. Self-confidence: C...

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