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Реферат Theory of literature


and artistic works have long accepted merge into three large groups, called literary birth. This is epic, drama and poetry. Although not all created by writers (especially in XX c.) Fits into this triad, it still retains its relevance and credibility in the literature.the epic kind of literature (al-oz. Epos - word, speech) organizing principle of the work is the story of the characters (active persons), their lives, actions, mindset, the events in their lives that make up the plot. This is - a chain of verbal messages, or, more simply, the story of what happened before. Narratives have a time gap between speech and conduct of the subject of verbal signs. It (remember Aristotle: the poet says, «about the event as something separate from themselves») is the part and, as a rule, has the grammatical form of the past tense. For narrating (telling) is typical position of a man, recalled had taken place earlier. The distance between the time and the time of the depicted narrative of it is perhaps the most significant feature of the epic form.works (dr.-gr. drama-action), and the epic, to recreate the event-series behavior of people and their relationships. Like the author of an epic work, the playwright is subject to the «law of the emerging». But a detailed narrative, descriptive image in the drama is missing.lyrics (dr.-gr. lyra-musical instrument, the sound of which is sung poetry), front unit of the human condition soznaniya: emotive reflections, volitional impulses, impressions, feelings and aspirations of the non-rational. If the lyrical composition and denoted a series of events (which is not always), it is very sparingly, without any meticulous detail (remember Pushkin «s« I remember a wonderful moment ... »). Literary XX century repeatedly made attempts to supplement the traditional «triad» (Epic, lyric, drama) and validate the concept of the fourth (or even fifth, etc.) Kind of literature. Beside the three «old» set and a novel (VD Dnipro), and satire (JE Ellsberg, YB Borev), and the script (some film theorists). In this kind of judgment much disputed, but literature does know a group of works that do not fully possess the properties of epic poetry or drama, and even denied them altogether. They rightly called vnerodovymi forms.the birth of poetry Socrates says in the third book of Plato »s treatise« The State ». Therefore, says there could first speak directly to his face, which is a «predominantly dithyrambs» (In fact it is the most important property of the lyrics), and secondly, to build a product in the form of «exchange of speeches» characters, which Do not mix the words of the poet, which is typical of tragedies and comedies (such drama as a kind of poetry), and thirdly, to connect the words with the words of other people belonging to the actors (which is inherent in the epic): «And when he (poet-VX) leads foreign language, and when it is in between acting on its behalf, it will be a story. »1 Isolation of Socrates and Plato third, epic kind of poetry (as mixed) is based on the division of the story of what happened without the involvement of the speech of actors (al-oz. Diegesis) and imitation by deeds, actions , spoken words (dr.-gr. mimesis). judgments about the birth of poetry expressed in the third chapter, «Poetics,» Aristotle. Briefly described here are three ways to follow in poetry (verbal art), which are characteristics of...

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