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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Tourism in Switzerland

Реферат Tourism in Switzerland

ria and Liechtenstein. The Swiss Alps comprise all the mountains of Switzerland over 2,000 metres above sea level and almost all the highest mountains of the Alps, such as Monte Rosa (4,634 m), the Dom (4,545 m), the Lyskamm (4,527 m), the Weisshorn (4,506 m) and the Matterhorn (4,478 m). The other following major summits can be found in List of mountains of Switzerland. Since the Middle Ages, transit across the Alps played an important role in history. The region north of the St. Gotthard Passbecame the nucleus of the Swiss Confederacy in the early 14th century. The Swiss National Park (German: Schweizerischer Nationalpark; French: Parc National Suisse; Italian: Parco Nazionale Svizzero; Romansh: Parc Naziunal Svizzer) is located in the canton of Graub? Nden in the east of Switzerland between Zernez, S-chanf, Scuol and the Fuorn Pass in the Engadin valley on the border with Italy. It is part of the worldwide UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. [1] of 2009, it is the only National Park in Switzerland, though there are plans to create more. [2] It has an area of ??174.2 km? and is the largest protected area of ??the country. It was founded on 1 August 1914, the national holiday of Switzerland. It was one of the earliest national parks in Europe. In the park, one is not allowed to leave the road, make fire or sleep outside the Chamanna Cluozza; the mountain hut located in the park. It is also forbidden to disturb the animals or the plants, or to take home anything found in the park. Dogs are not allowed, not even on a leash. Due to these strict rules, the Swiss National Park is the only park in the Alps who has been categorized by the IUCN as a strict nature reserve, which is the highest protection level.visitor centre is located in Zernez.

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