Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Вибір мережевих пристроїв (Вендор Cisco)

Реферат Вибір мережевих пристроїв (Вендор Cisco)

d enable

! GigabitEthernet1/1trunk allowed vlan 1-1001mode access

! GigabitEthernet1/2trunk allowed vlan 1,3-1001mode access

! Vlan1ip address

! Vlan2ip address

! Vlan3ip address


! con 07 082F4F5A00

! vty 0 4input none

! vty 5 15input none


! _ Off2

! 12.2timestamps log datetime msecservice timestamps debug datetime msecpassword-encryption

! Switch1_Off2

! secret 5 $ 1 $ mERr $ hx5rVt7rPNoS4wqbXKX7m0




! tree mode pvsttree vlan 1 priority 24576

! FastEthernet0/1access vlan 2trunk allowed vlan 1-1001mode trunk

! FastEthernet0/2access vlan 2trunk allowed vlan 1-1001mode trunk

! FastEthernet0/3mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/4mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/5access vlan 2mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickyport-security mac-address sticky 0040.0B27.545Atree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/6mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/7mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/8mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/9mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/10mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/11mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/12mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/13mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/14mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/15mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/16mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/17mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/18mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/19mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/20mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/21mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/22mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/23mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! FastEthernet0/24mode accessport-securityport-security maximum 2port-security mac-address stickytree portfasttree bpduguard enable

! GigabitEthernet1/1trunk allowed vlan 1-1001mode trunk

! GigabitEthernet1/2trunk allowed vlan 1,3-1001mode trunk

! Vlan1ip address


! con 07 082F4F5A00

! vty 0 4input nonevty 5 15input none


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