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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Культурна антропологія в Росії і на Заході: концептуальні відмінності

Реферат Культурна антропологія в Росії і на Заході: концептуальні відмінності

ol.91, 1989, No 2, June, р. 354

[46] [46] J. B. Cole. Anthropology For the Nineties. N.Y, L.: The Free Press, 1988, pр.73-74. p> [47] [47] Katherine P. Ewing. Is Psychoanalysis relevant for Anthropology. In Theodore Schwartz, Geoffrey M. White, and Catherine A. Lutz (eds.). New Direction in Psychological Anthropology. Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1992, рр. 251-252. p> [48] [48] J.W. Berry, Y.H. Poortinga, M. H. Segall and P.R.Dasen. Cross-Cultural Psychology. Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1992, p.X.

[49] [49] R.H.Winthrop. Dictionary of Concepts in Cultural Anthropology. N.Y., Westport, Connecticut, L., 1991, p.147. p> [50] [50] Katherine P. Ewing. Is Psychoanalysis relevant for Anthropology , p.252

[51] [51] Thompson J.B. Ideology and Modern Culture. Critics Social Theory in the Era of Mass Communication. Oxford: Polity Pr., 1990, p.132. p> [52] [52] R.H.Winthrop. Dictionary of Concepts in Cultural Anthropology. N.Y., Westport, Connecticut, L., 1991, p.57. p> [53] [53] Chris Jenks. Culture. L., N.Y.: Routledge, 1993, pp.61-62. p> [54] [54] Katherine P. Ewing. Is Psychoanalysis relevant for Anthropology. In Theodore Schwartz, Geoffrey M. White, and Catherine A. Lutz. New Direction in Psychological Anthropology. Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1992, p.264. p> [55] [55] Dan Sperber. On Anthropological Knowledge. Cambridge, L., N.Y., New Rochell, Molboume, Sydney: Camb. Univ. Pr., 1985, р.13. p> [56] [56] Thompson J.B. Ideology and Modern Culture. Critics Social Theory in the Era of Mass Communication. Oxford: Polity Pr., 1990, pр.132-133. p> [57] [57] Rohner R. Toward a Conception of Culture for Cross-Cultural Psychology. 1984, Р.15.

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[60] [60] R.H.Winthrop, p.146. p> [61] [61] Todlock, Barbara. From Participant Observation to the Observation: The Emergence of Narrative Ethnography. // Journal of Anthropological Research. 1991, Vol. 47, No 1, р.69. p> [62] [62] Peter B. Smith, Michael H. Bond (eds.) Social Psychology. Across Cultures. Analysis and Perspectives. N.Y, etc., Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1983, p.263. p> [63] [63] Bradd Shore. Twice-Born, Once Conceived: Meaning Construction and Cultural Cognition. // American Anthropologist. 1991, Vol.93, No 1, March, p.9. p> [64] [64] Clifford, James. Introduction: Partial Truths. In: Clifford, J. and Marcus G.R. (Eds.) Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Pr., 1986, p.2.

[65] [65] Keesing, R. Theories of Cul...

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