ne or the other safe action becomes a habit to operate safely and acquires the properties of automatic execution, we can assume that the learning achieved a certain result. The more friendly actions can be done automatically, the more time employees is to assess the situation, making the right decisions, which in turn can save his health or even life. The author believes that the main components of the training of law enforcement agencies in the development of independent Ukraine safest action is the professional, moral, psychological and pedagogical training of personnel. Each of these components together with a common goal has objectives and content. The main objectives of the training is to provide knowledge and implementation of existing regulations governing the activities of law enforcement personnel, methods and means of performing professional tasks, skills, possession of firearms, the use of special tools, appropriate physical training workers to build them the ability to transfer large exercise etc. . Tasks and determine the activity in this area, which includes legal, fire, physical and medical training.statistical analysis and analyzed the results of surveys from which we can draw some conclusions. So the safety of law enforcement at this stage of development of Ukraine is not only his own safety but also the safety of ordinary citizens. Because if the police remains in danger they will be able to provide adequate protection of the rights and interests of the State and the community as a whole and in some cases, so there are a number of articles of the Criminal Code which provide Ukraine responsible for crime force against law enforcement officers and their close relatives.under such circumstances, law enforcement authorities will be somewhat safe and effective
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