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Реферат The manager as a teacher: selected aspects of stimulation of scientsfsc thinking

articular preset result, rather than of any other result of action. Since the goal is the reaction in response to specific external influence, at first there is a need to "feel" it, to segregate it from the multitude of other nonspecific external influences, "make decision" on any specific actions and begin to perform. If, for example, the SFU reacts to pressure it should be able to "feel" just pressure (reception), rather than temperature or something else. For this purpose it should have a special "organ" (Receptor) which is able of doing so. In order to react only to specific external influence which may pertain to the fulfillment of the goal, the SFU should not only have reception, but also single it out from all other external influences affecting it (selection). For this purpose it should have a special organ (Selector or analyzer) which is able to segregate the right signal from a multitude of others. Thereafter, having "felt" and segregated the external influence, it should "make decision" that there is a need to act (Decision-making). For this purpose it should have a special or decision-making organ able of making decisions. Then it should realize this decision, i.e. force the executive elements to act (implementation of decision). For this purpose it should have elements (stimulators) with the help of which it would be possible to communicate decision to the executive elements. Therefore, in order to react to certain external influence and to achieve the required result of action it is necessary to accomplish the following chain of guiding actions: reception в†’ selection в†’ decision-making в†’ implementation of decisions (stimulation). What elements should carry out this chain of guiding actions? The executive elements (for example, plains) cannot do it, because they perform the action per se, for example, the capturing action, but not guiding actions. For this reason they are also called executive elements. All guiding actions should be accomplished by guiding elements (the control block) and these should be a part of SFU. The control block consists of: "X" receptor (Segregates specific signal and detects the presence of external influence); afferent channels (transfer of information from the receptor to analyzer); the analyzer-informant (on the basis of the information from the "Х" receptor makes decisions on the activation of executive elements); efferent cannels (of a stimulator) (implementation of decision, channeling of the guiding actions to the effectors).

The "Х" receptor, afferent channels, analyzer-informant (activator of action) and efferent channels (Stimulator) comprise the control block. The receptor and afferent channels represent direct positive communication (DPC). It is direct because inside SFU the guiding signal (information on the presence of external influence) goes in the same direction as the external influence itself. It is positive because if there is a signal there is a reaction,...

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