nt of 23 October 1997. Reports. 1997-VII. Para. 112; Zielinski and Pradal andGonzalez and Others v. France, Judgment of 28 October 1999. Para. 57. p align="justify">. Eur. Court H.R. Popov v. Moldova (No. 2), Judgment of 6 Desember 2005. Paras. 48 - 54. p align="justify">. Eur. Court H.R. Nikitin v. Russia, Judgment of 20 July 2004. Paras. 57, 59; Borshchevskiy v. Russia, Judgment of 21 September 2006. Para. 45; Prisyazhnikova and Dolgopolov v. Russia, Judgment of 28 September 2006. Para. 24; Nelyubin v. Russia, Judgment of 2 November 2006. Para. 26. br/>