es reflect gradual changes of their characters, as they acquire experience in the process of narration, teaching children to behave in a similar way. For instance, the Scarecrow from the fairy tale The Wizard of Oz written by Frank Baum becomes wiser in his search of his identity and avoids mistakes that he made at the beginning of the story. fairy tale The Goose Girl by Brothers Grimm brings up the issue of female independence, revealing the transformation of a princess into a goose girl and her realization of her true self. The girl »s change helps her to understand many crucial things of life.
Such fairy tales are especially important for children who have some inner conflicts and problems, as these tales reveal certain ways to overcome their difficulties . The fairy tale is created to reveal both good and bad sides of life, simultaneously stressing the importance of struggle for a person. In fact, the development of the fairy tale in literature reflects the attempts of adults to guide children towards appropriate ways of behavior. For instance, such fairy tales as Little Red Riding Hood warns children, especially little girls, of the dangers and reveals the consequences of their disobedience.tales differ in their patterns of appropriate behavior. In particular, the researcher claims that such Perrault «s fairy tales as Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Bluebeard < i align="justify"> embody the features that are appropriate for young women, including patience, obedience, politeness, inner power and kindness . The principal female characters of the mentioned fairy tales possess these features and they finally benefit from their good behavior., Other fairy tales of Perrault, such as Ricky of the Tuft, Hop o » My Thumb and Puss in Boots , reveal the desirable male features, including intelligence, good manners, education, devotion and strength . But these particular features are gradually implemented into the fairy tale by various writers who change the earlier versions of these tales. This is obvious on the example of Little Red Riding Hood that in the interpretations of Perrault and the Brothers Grimm differ much from the oral folk tale. In the earlier version a little girl encounters with a werewolf (перевертень) and tells him where she goes; the werewolf kills her grandmother and then makes a girl eat her meat.tale of the Brothers Grimm resembles Perrault «s tale, but they introduce a woodcutter who saves the girl and the grandmother, giving the girl an opportunity to act in a different way in future. In this regard, an earlier version of the tale demonstrates people »s fear of being killed by wild animals, while Perrault's version symbolizes the relations between an innocent young girl and a dangerous man who is presented in the image of the wolf.
The Brothers Grimm «s interpretation pays much attention to cultural traditions of their nation, revealing women »s dependence from men ; neither the grandmother, nor the girl is able to save themselves in the face of danger, while a man, a woodcutter, helps these female characters. The ...