ndence from each other because they are both chosen in separate elections. For example, the election of Congress does not determine who will be elected President, and the Presidential election does not determine who will be elected to Congress. It is quite possible in the American system to have the leader of one political party win the Presidency while the other major political party wins most of the seats in Congress. It is necessary for the President to sign bills passed by Congress in order for them to become law. A legislative bill passed by Congress dies if the President vetoes it (refuses to sign it). On the other hand, a treaty with a foreign government signed by a President dies if Congress refuses to ratify it.from other countries are often confused by the American system but the Americans are proud of it. p align="justify"> The Judicial Branchfederal court system plays a critical role in protecting the rights and liberties guaranteed to the American people. Federal courts can strike down any legislation, at any level of government, if the courts determine that the legislation violates the nation's fundamental, democratic principles outlined in the Constitution. The judicial branch consists of a system of courts spread throughout the country, with jurisdiction in both civil actions and to criminal cases arising under federal law.various types of federal courts are:
В· U.S. Supreme Court
В· U.S. Courts of Appeal
В· U.S. District Courts
В· Special Courts
Most of cases start in District Courts. There are 94 of them. Usually it is 1 judge and 1 jury. The main duties of them are to hear cases about federal laws and constitutional rights. These are the lowest courts. The courts of Appeals are higher than District Courts. These are groups of 3 judges without jury and the main duty is to review District Court's decisions. The highest court is the Supreme Court that has 9 judges, no jury and all its decisions are final. The judges are appointed for life by the president and have to be approved by the Senate.Political PartiesUSA has a two party system. There are two major political parties in the USA. They are Republicans and Democrats. The symbol of the Republican Party is elephant and that of the Democratic Party is Donkey. There are no clear differences between the Republican and Democratic parties. In general, the Republicans tend to be more conservative to have more support among the upper classes, while the Democrats tend to be more liberal and have more support among the working class and the poor. There are other parties beside these two, but these parties do not play a role in a national politics.first, there are two or more candidates for the Republican Party and two or more candidates for the Democratic Party. Each party has a convention to choose one candidate. After the party conventions, the candidates continue to campaign. Then on Election Day US adult citizens vote for a president in a national election. When citizens vote for a President, they are really voting for the state electors (вибірник, член колегії вибірників). Every State has electors. The number of electors = the number of senators + the number of representatives in a state. These are the main steps:
- Citizens of a state vote.
- Their votes are counted.
- One candidate has 51% or more of the votes.
- This candidate wins all the electoral votes of the state.
- The electoral votes of all the states are counted.
- The candidate with the most electoral votes becomes a president.and expressions-поправка законопроектуbe divided into - бути разделеннимcitizens - приватні гражданеbranch - законодавча властьbranch - виконавча влада branch - юридична влада
responsibility - відповідальність
to abuse power - зловживати владою
to win the Presidency - завоювати президентство
to pass a bill - прийняти законопроект
to become a law - стати законом veto - накладати вето
to ratify - ратифікувати
"Bill of Rights" - білль про права bill - законодавчий проект (білль)
government interference - втручання уряду
to be proud of - пишатися чим-небудь
to preside at - головувати