In the morning Johnsy saw against the wall only two leaves on the
vine tree.
At the end of the day, the western wind came again.
At the second morning leaf was still there.
That last leaf has taught Johnsy to fight for her life.
Behrman painted it on that terrible night, when the last leaf fell.
в) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та Виконання післятекстовіх комунікатівніх вправо.
A strip Story
Учитель роздає розрізаній на смужки написань ним короткий Зміст В«последнего аркушаВ» О'Генрі. Для групи з чотірьох учнів Пропонується 1 комплект розміщеніх не в логічному порядку речень.
(HO): Make the mixed strips in logical order; read and retell the summary of the text.
Sue and Johnsy were good friends.
They lived together and dreamt to become great artists.
One day Johnsy fell ill.
The doctor said that her life was in danger.
Lying in bed Johnsy was counting the leaves on an old vine tree against the wall of the neighbouring house.
She thought that when the last leaf fell she would die, too.
An old artist Behrman by name lived in the same house with Johnsy and Sue.
In the whole world he loved only these two girls.
He thought that some day he would paint a masterpiece and they all would go away.
One day looking through the window of Johnsy's room at the vine tree Behrman got an idea how to save Johnsy.
During the night, when a cold wind was blowing and rain mixed with snow was falling, he drew the leaf against the wall.
It was his masterpiece.
He died of pneumonia, but he saved Johnsy's life. /Td>
Homework 1. Домашнє Завдання.
Підготуватіся до контрольної роботи за темою В«Великобританія та ЛондонВ». Повторити впр. 8, 9 (стор. 28), впр. 15, 16 (стор. ЗО), впр. 38 (стор. 34), впр. 42 (стор. 37-38). p> Summarizing 2. Підбіття Підсумків уроку.
Т: What have we done today? Which activity did you like best? p> Do you find a short story "The last Leaf "as a story with a happy end or not? Why? p> УРОК 14
Підтема: Лондон - столиця Велікобрітанії. Контрольна робота. p> Мета: Перевіріті рівень Навчальних досягнені учнів за темами "London is the capital of Great Britain ".
Обладнання: 4-рівнева контрольна робота (HO,).
І. ПІДГОТОВКА ДО сприйняттів ІНШОМОВНОГО мовлені
Aim 1. ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ тими та мети уроку.
Т: We've got a test today to check you skills in communicative writing about Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and its capital, London. We have to check your linguistic accuracy in using lexical and grammar material for this topic. By the end of the lesson you should be able:
• to match the English words and word combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents (Level 1);
• to answer the questions to show your ability of operating facts about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Level 2);
• to ask questions about London (Level 3);
• to write an informal letter about some interesting places in London (Level 4).
Instruction 2. Інструкція по Виконання контрольної роботи та ее оцінюванню за 12-бальною шкалою.
Т: Our test consists of 4 levels.
You'll get 3 points for each level if you cope with it properly.
Level 1 is for checking your knowledge of the words and words-combinations of the topic: "The UK" and "London".
Level 2 will help you to show your ability of operating facts about the UK and Great Britain. Level 3 and 4 are the most...