the external influence, but the presence of permission at the command entry point. Implementation of action will start in the presence of certain external influence and permission at the command entry point. The action would not be performed in the presence of the external influence and the absence of permission at the command entry point. For the controllable SFU the action regulator is the permission at the command entry point. That is why such SFU are called controllable. The analogues of controllable SFU in a living organism are, for example, pulmonary functional ventilation units (FVU) or functional perfusion units (FPU), histic functional perfusion units (FPU), secretion functional units (cells of various secretion glands, SFU), kidney nephrons, liver acinuses, etc. The control block's elements are built of (assembled from) other ordinary elements suitable in terms of their characteristics. It can be built both of executive elements combined in a certain manner and simultaneously performing the function of both execution and management, and from other executive elements not belonging to the given group and segregated in a separate chain of management. In the latter case they may be precisely the same as executive elements, but may be made of other elements as well. For example, muscular contraction functional units consist of muscular cells, but are managed by nervous centers consisting of nerve cells. At the same time, all kinds of cells, both nerve and muscular, are built of almost identical building materials - proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. The difference between the controllable and uncontrollable FSU is only in the availability of command entry point. It is it that determines the change of the algorithm of its work. Performance of the controllable SFU depends not only on the external influence, but on the M disabling at the command entry point. The control block is very simple, if it contains only DPC (the "Х" receptor and afferent channels), the analyzer-informant and a stimulator. SFU are primary cells, executive elements of any systems. As we can see, despite their elementary character, they represent a fairly complex and multi-component object. Each of them contains not less than two types of elements (management/control and executive) and each type includes more and more, but these elements are mandatory attributes of any SFU. The SFU complexity is the complexity of hierarchy of their elements. There is no any special difference between the executive elements and the elements of management/control. Ultimately all in this world consists of electrons, protons and neutrons. The difference between them lies only in their position in the hierarchy of systems, i.e. in their positional relationship. The composite SFU contains 4 simple SFU. In the absence of the external influence all simple SFU are inactive and no result of action is produced. In the presence of the external influence of "Х", if th...