). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 11). Value =. Cells (ib, 9). Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 12). Value =. Cells (ib, 10). Value
Оформити i, maxi
i = i + 1
End If
End If
If flag2 = 1 And flag = 1 Then
If. Cells (ib, 5). Value> = CDbl (TextBox4.Text) And _
. Cells (ib, 5). Value <= CDbl (TextBox5.Text) And _
. Cells (ib, 3). Value> = CDbl (TextBox2.Text) And _
. Cells (ib, 3). Value <= CDbl (TextBox3.Text) Then
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 1). Value = Sheet.Name
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 2). Value = ComboBox2.Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 3). Value =. Cells (ib, 1). Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 4). Value =. Cells (ib, 2). Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 5). Value =. Cells (ib, 3). Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 6). Value =. Cells (ib, 4). Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 7). Value =. Cells (ib, 5). Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 8). Value =. Cells (ib, 6). Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 9). Value =. Cells (ib, 7). Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 10). Value =. Cells (ib, 8). Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 11). Value =. Cells (ib, 9). Value
Workbooks ("Main.xls"). Worksheets ("ПоіскПутевкі"). Cells (i, 12). Value =. Cells (ib, 10). Value
Оформити i, maxi
i = i + 1
End If
End If
Exit For
End If
Next ib
End With
End If
End If
Next Sheet
End IfSubSub UserForm_Activate ()
i = 4
If i = 4 And Cells (i, 1). Value = "" Then Exit Do
i = i + 1
Loop While Cells (i, 1). Value <> ""
Range (Cells (4, 1), Cells (i, 12)). Delete
CheckBox1.Value = False
CheckBox2.Value = False
CheckBox3.Value = False
CheckBox4.Value = False
TextBox2.Text = ""
TextBox3.Text = ""
ComboBox1.Enabled = False
ComboBox2.Enabled = False
ComboBox3.Enabled = False
TextBox2.Enabled = False
TextBox3.Enabled = False
TextBox4.Enabled = False
TextBox5.Enabled = False
CheckBox3.Enabled = False
CheckBox4.ControlTipText = "Поля Від і До повинні бути заповнені." Sub
// Workbook (Main.xls) Форма frmNewZakaz
Option Compare Textk, m As Integer