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Реферат Grammar of the Text: its Basic Units and Main Features (based on the novel by David Nicholls &One Day&)


Grammar of the Text: its Basic Units and Main Features (based on the novel by David Nicholls One Day )"

, +2013



Chapter 1. Text and its Grammatical Characteristics

1.1 What the Text is

1.2 Basic Units of the Text

1.3 Main Features of the Text

1.4 Text Cohesion

1.5 Text Coherence

1.6 Text and Discourse

Summary of Chapter 1

Chapter 2. Grammatical Analysis of the Text (practical part based on the novel One day by David Nicholls)

Summary of Chapter 2




In the 60-70s of the 20 th century, there was an opinion that the sentence does not have the highest level of the hierarchy of language, as previously thought. It has been observed that majority of sentences relatively were structurally and semantically independent: the sentence acquires the quality of the full completion in the unit of a higher level - the text.text has been considered by many linguists as the highest level of language, which has its own categories and units, the laws of construction, that is, a specific grammar. Moreover it became evident that many of the phenomena of traditional sentential grammar (such as article determination, word order, incomplete block, etc.) had more adequate interpretation. [2, 154-161] work consists of introduction, main part of 2 chapters: theoretical and practical chapters, conclusion and bibliographyapter 1 I`m going to consider such theoretical notions as text, basic unit of the text , text coherence and text notions, their types, and also compare notions text and" discourse apter 2 I`m going to illustrate examples for each theoretical case of text grammar.

The topic of my research: grammar of the text and its basic units.

The object of study: novel One Day by David Nicholls.

The subject of the study: grammatical features of the text, theory and practice aim of the study: to analyze the text One Day from the point of view of grammar.

Research objectives:

· Examine the situation lt; # justify gt; Significance of the study: Significance is the point of every work. I believe that by reading this paper, the learners will understand the main features of the text and its peculiarities.

The main research method: a theoretical analysis of the scientific and methodological literature. Explore the application of scientific principles in practice.

Chapter 1. Text and its Grammatical Characteristics

1.1 What the Text is

The text is a unit of language in use. It applies to any passage, spoken or written, of whatever length, that does form a unified whole - a semantic unit. The text is the object of studies of the branch of linguistics called text linguistics. Text linguistics is a relatively new branch of language studies that deals with texts as communication systems.the 60-70s of the 20 th century, there was an opinion that the sentence does not have the highest level of the hierarchy of language, as previously thought. It has been observed that majority of sentences relatively were structurally and semantically independent: the sentence acquires the quality of the full completion in the unit of a higher level - the text.linguistics dealt mainly with ways of expressing cohesion and coherence and distribution of the theme and the rheme of an utterance according to the rules of the functional sentence perspective. Its original aims lay in uncovering and describing text grammars. The application of text linguistics has, however, evolved from this approach to a point in which text is viewed in much broader terms that go beyond a mere extension of traditional grammar towards an entire text.the fact that there are many publications devoted to problems of text linguistics, there does not exist an adequate definition of the text that would find satisfaction with all researchers. [5, p.136] The difficulties that arise when trying to work out a universally acceptable definition of the text can be explained by the fact that scholars study the text in its various aspec...

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