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Реферат American Holidays and Celebrations

y for the manufacturers of costumes, yard decorations and candy. There are various symbols associated with Halloween. These include the spooks, ghosts and walking skeletons that represent the contact between the spiritual and physical world and between the living and the dead. Human figures that are often represented on Halloween are witches and wizards, who are seen to have the power to contact the spirit world. Bats, black cats and spiders are often connected with this holiday. These animals are associated with the night and darkness and often accompany witches and wizards.are also a range of objects associated with Halloween. These include blood, fire, gravestones, pumpkins, bones and skulls. They all have connections with death, the spirit world or protecting property from evil spirits. Many of these objects are now available in stores as decorations for the Halloween season. [18]


celebrations in America signify the rich blending of historic traditions from other cultures with the uniquely commemorative nature of the people of the United States. The American calendar is filled with a diverse variety of holidays, and each date is a tribute to the nation's great heritage and history. American holidays may include official or federal holidays, traditional holidays, ethnic holidays, and religious holidays, yet many Americans are not familiar with the individual history behind each special day., The main focus for many Americans is the group of holidays known as the Big Six. New Year's Day, Presidents Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are days that the majority of the nation's citizens are most familiar with. Nevertheless, each of the American holidays has its own unique and interesting origin.is widely known that Americans love to celebrate US holidays of all types. Various ethnic and religious groups in America celebrate days with special meaning to them even though these are not national holidays. Jews, for example, observe their high holy days in September, Muslims celebrate Ramadan, African Americans celebrate Kwanzaa, Irish Americans celebrate the old country's patron saint, St. Patrick, on March 17, and Mardi Gras is the day before the Christian season of Lent begins and is a big occasion in New Orleans, Louisiana, where huge parades and wild revels take place. There are many other such religious and ethnic celebrations in the United States.Americans spend holidays with their friends and family, enjoying food, parades and games (both televised and otherwise). Though this country is still less than 250 years old, they have made up for their youth with an assortment of holidays that they love to celebrate.calendar holidays in the United States are a collective grouping of traditions and cultures brought to the country by immigrants that gradually took on a distinctively American qual...

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