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Реферат A contrastive analysis of consonants of English and Turkish languages

etween voiced sounds, as in ever, nephew, silver, and partially or completely devoiced initially and finally, as in voice, leave, of.

[v] is a lenis alveolar fricative, as in vaat promise, veri data .. It is fully voiced in medial positions between voiced sounds, as in tavuk chicken (hen), tedavi (medical) treatment , and partially or completely devoiced initially and finally, as in vermek to give.

[z] is a lenis alveolar fricative, as in roses, scissors, zoo, dizzy, exact. It is fully voiced in word-medial positions, as m easy, thousand, husband, and partially or completely devoiced in word-initial and final positions, as in zeal, is, rose.

[z] is a lenis alveolar fricative, as in zahmet trouble, difficulty, zan guess, supposition. It is fully voiced in word-medial positions, as in guzel beautiful, taze fresh, and partially or completely devoiced in word-initial and final positions, as in basit simple. [S, z] are constrictive fricative, forelingual, apical alveolar, [s] is strong and voiceless, [z] is weak and voiced, in final position it is partially devoiced .. 1. The tip of the tongue is close to the teeth ridge. The narrowing is round, because of the groove in the blade of the tongue.

The teeth are very close together. The vocal cords do not vibrate when [s] is produced. For [z] they vibrate when it occurs before vowels or in intervocalic positions, eg zone, easy. The friction for [s] is strong


. Put the tip and the blade of the tongue close to the alveolar ridge. The air should hit the tongue at the very centre of the teeth ridge. Push the air through the narrowing very quickly, so that the strong friction is heard. For [z] push it more slowly, so that the friction is weaker. Alternate strong and weak friction for [s-z].

2. Keep the teeth very close together.

2) Now it is time to examine some differences between English and Turkish consonants.

[c] is a voiceless, alveolar fricative like [s] in pleasure. E.g. genciz we are sick, gelecek s / he / it will come, calpack a hat.

[з] - is a fortis palatal-alveoalar fricative, sounds like [ch] as in the word «Turkish», eg зocuk child, genз young, genзtir s / he is young.

[dz] or [? ] Is a lenis palatal affricate, as in jam, gem, midget, suggest, adjacent, grandeur, soldier, Norwich. It is fully voiced in medial positions between voiced sounds, as in midget, urgent, agenda, major, and partially or fully devoiced in initial and final'positions, as in jest, ridge, age, change.are only two affricates in English: [? ,? ]. In Turkish we have [? ,? ]. They are occlusive-constrictives because a complete obstruction to the stream of air is formed and it is released slowly, with friction, [? ,? ] Are bicentral. They have two narrowings, both flat, the second focus being between the front part of the tongue and the hard palate (front secondary focus).

[? ,? ] Are palato-alveolar, forelingual apical.

[? ] Is strong (fortis), [? ] Is weak (lenis).

[? ] Is fully voiced in word initial position before a vowel or in intervocalic position, eg Jack, pigeon....

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