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Реферат Psychology of legal education and estimation. Psychology of legal estimation (legal psihonotarology

mation). estimation, including legal estimating activity, as the psychophisiological basis has communications and perception of information as images. Their contents and form are realized by means of five analyzers of the high nervous activity. They are: visual analyzer (88-90% of information about the world), auditory analyzer (9% of information about the world), and olfactory, gustatory, tactile analyzers (as a whole 1% of information about the world). That is why it is possible to speak about the corresponding estimating activity and estimation that is about visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile estimating activity. There are many other psychological questions, such, as: how estimating activity arises in consciousness however this question to at certain degree has been reflected in determinations? What is the preliminary presentation about estimation? What are expectations at realization of estimation and its value for the personality, which is values, as well as for its social parameter, including legal? Has significant importance for personal and public life; as well estimation and estimating of the personality, state, public bodies and organizations especially of the legal system are of great significance too. It obliges to make efforts both for development of the theory of estimating and estimation, for their practical application. The main question is - how to learn a separate person, social groups, political parties and political leaders, investigation officers, prosecutors and judges to value and formulate faithful and equitable estimations?

4. Legal estimating abilities. and adequacy, wholeness and unity, stability and projective of the legal estimation at the great degree depend of legal estimating abilities and legal estimating skills as a person of the lawyer.of the legal estimating abilities. Genetic and gained unity of the speed, stability and successful resultness of activity of three psychic spheres (intellectual, emotional, volitional) and intellectual systems in consciousness of the personality of the lawyer, motivating concrete legal abilities, interests, purposes, relations, contact, motivating quick, exact, successful and efficient estimating legal activity, which forms the legal estimation. Legal abilities are comparatively stable psychic characteristics of psychic conditions for success in estimating and estimation; high quantitatively-qualitative legal achievements in legal activity; reveal differences in dynamics of mastering the necessary legal knowledge and skill and determine lightness and speed of their assimilation and they are developed and уimproved in the process of reception and enrichment of the personal legal experience; give the possibility of the achievement of the necessary and real level of the professional skill of the lawyer [10].

5. Motivation of training of legal estimation [11]. of training of legal estimation is concretization of the certain actualized need, interest for the purpose of having legal contents, which disconnect for a certain time psychic and physical energy in the form of legal activity, actions, relations, behavior of the personality of the lawyer. Simultaneously it forms estimating -training legal expectations and results (see the general model No. 9). It is achieved if there is realized legal value, usefulness, need and importance of the legal estimating and legal estimation of training in the professional activity of the lawyeraracteristics of the legal estimating motivation of training [12] .exist the four main elements of the characteristics of the legal estimating motivation of training. Their classification comprises i the following algorithm: the process of formation of the legal estimating motivation of training, characteristics of legal estimating motivation of training, contents of legal estimating motivation of training and types of legal estimating motivation of training. Forming of the legal estimating motivation process of training is complicated; it requires significant psychic energy, mobilization and regulation. It is important to make the first step in its generation since from the level of adequacy and the force of motivation there depends its quality and stability, power and firmness. The second step in the motivation process is the presence of the holistic, productive thinking. The third step is connected with efforts, life and professional experience in selecting the form of expression of the estimation for training. They should be grammatically exact, clear, and correct. It is necessary that speech and behavioral expression should radiate tolerance, respect, and objectivity. Practically it is necessary to have unity and harmony of verbal and visual communication at reception of the legal estimation.means of the fourth step there is achieved realization of the structuring of legal estimation of training. Ch...

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