w foundation, cause or something with another name but bearing the same function in our explanation and understanding of the event or theory. Of course, we can distinguish between terms foundation and cause looking at them from a certain perspective, but similarly we can do with any pare of words we call synonyms. Good and wonderful , for example, mean the same when we express our admiration of something of a superior quality, but very different when we evaluate different qualities of the same object. He is a good man, or he is a wonderful man (meaning his supreme kindness). She is wonderful (meaning physical appearance) and at the same time she is not good (meaning her mathematical gifts, or moral standing). So in conversation we just have to be "On the same page" with our interlocutors. And when we think in solitude we should use symbols for the phenomena of the same psychological formation - we have to exercise our observational and nominational skills, and also very good memory.
I would argue against Wittgenstein's concept of the language as exclusively social phenomena. Language has dual qualities. We may speak to ourselves as well as we can speak to the others. Speaking to the others we intend to make them understand our beliefs and experiences, while speaking to ourselves we intend our own minds to understand something better. If we are extraverts our language becomes very social indeed, and in this case Wittgenstein is almost right, but if we are introverts there can be great deviations, and our language becomes very strange for others (on those occasions we address them). People do not understand us; think we are extravagant, crazy, or too smart. Still there are always social and individual elements in our language and without individual specific qualities of the latter conversations would be completely boring and meaningless! There are peoples and there are persons! p> I have to conclude this paper saying that:
1. there are valid concepts in TE.
2.some new concepts of NE are not flawless
3.the new perspectives enrich our contemplative abilities and knowledge
4.the fully (for all times) satisfactory definitions or foundations are not likely to be proposed - it would mean the end of our intellectual development,
5.We have to respect great efforts of our ancestors and contemporaries to make sense of the world, internal and external, and it means that epistemology as well as philosophy at large is immortal!