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Реферат Keele European parties Research unit

sharing of power between national governments and the EU (also labelled by some europeification , Andersen & Eliassen, 1993 );

a process by which domestic policy areas become increasingly subject to European policy-making (Borzel, 1999: 574);

the emergence and development at the European level of distinct structures. . . that formalize interactions among the actors, and of policy networks in the creation of authoritative European rules (Cowles, Caporaso and Risse, 2001: 4); - extending the boundaries of the relevant political space beyond the member states (Kohler-Koch, 1999: 15). use interchangeably in the same study terms such as impact of Europe , impact of Europeanisation and the impact of European integration (Mair, 2000). these excerpts demonstrate, the definition of Europeanization requires further precision in order to be useful as a tool for analysis. One could also say, following Morisi and Morlino (1999), that there are different forms of Europeanization operating at different levels at different times. Nonetheless, one would think that Europeanization has something to do with the penetration of the European dimension into national arenas of politics and policy-making. Hix and Goetz (2000) set out to link the two dimensions, namely that of domestic actors mobilising at the European level and the effect of European integration on domestic systems. Regarding potential change at the domestic level, they suggest the other half of the story is how a new institutional arena at the European level impacts on domestic political systems by providing a new structure of opportunities for domestic actors (12). They elaborate three different types of opportunities for domestic actors, a) exit from the domestic arena by virtue of predicting helpful EU outcomes, b) veto on domestic actions otherwise insurmountable caused by EU outcomes, and c) informational advantage due to links and relationships with European level actors and institutions. This opportunity structure is likely to have particular effects on the institutional and input processes in domestic political systems (14). The basic domestic variant of Europeanization, especially in comprehending the strategies of domestic actors in response to EU inputs. Europeanization has elsewhere been defined as an incremental process re-orienting the direction and shape of politics to the degree that EC political and economic dynamics become part of the organizational logic of national politics and policy -making (Ladrech, 1994). By organizational logic is meant the adaptive processes of organisations to a changed or changing environment . The emphasis is on the role of organizational adaptation, learning and policy change. Drawing upon this definition, Radaelli (2000) argues that the concept of Europeanization refers to a set of processes through which the EU political, social and economic dynamics become part of the logic of domestic discourse, identities, political structures and public policies . His definition stresses the importance of change in the logic of behaviour, but does not mention organisations per se. Nevertheless, the definition accommodates both organisations and individuals. It seems sufficiently broad to cover the major interests of political scientists, such as political structure, public policy, identities and the cognitive dimension of politics . Radaelli further argues what Europeanization is not. It is not convergence - policy or otherwise, although convergence may be one dimension of Europeanization, but it may also produce divergence; it is not harmonisation, as Europeanization may result in regulatory competition, for example; and it is not political integration, as Europeanization is a consequence of European integration. The central insight in the Ladrech/Radaelli definition of Europeanization is the focus on the adaptive response by actors to a changed or changing environment, in particular, the primary environment or arena which has most direct impact on resources, system or organisation maintenance, etc. As mentioned in the introduction, most academic work in which the term Europeanization is employed involves institutional and policy analysis with a primary focus on domestic political structures. I...

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