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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

Реферат Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

tate of emergency as a "special legal regime that may temporarily be introduced in Ukraine or in its particular areas in emergency situations of technogenic and natural character is below the national level that have led or may lead to human and material losses, threaten life and health of citizens, or when trying to capture state power or change the constitutional order by force and Ukraine provides the concerned authorities, military commanders and local authorities under this Act the powers necessary to prevent danger and safety and health 'I citizens of the normal functioning of the national economy, state and local governments, the protection of the constitutional system, but also allows the temporary threat-induced restriction of the exercise of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and the rights and legitimate interests of legal persons of the period of validity of these constraints. "Public-legal regime is an extreme measure and is used when normalize the situation through other measures impossible. For a state of emergency should be available conditions and reasons provided above the law of Ukraine. - Regulations which are the legal basis of state of emergency legal regime. According to Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On the legal state of emergency" legal basis for a state of emergency in Ukraine or in its particular areas is the Constitution of Ukraine, in particular Art. 106 В§ 21 establishes the right of the President of Ukraine in case of need to make decisions about the introduction in Ukraine or in its particular areas of state of emergency - with the subsequent approval of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In Art. 64 of the Constitution of Ukraine stated that "the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen may not be restricted, except as provided by the Constitution. Under martial law or a state of emergency may be specific restrictions on rights and freedoms of the period of validity of these restrictions. "Also in the aforementioned article of the Constitution of Ukraine provides a list of rights that can not be a violation under any circumstances, including when you enter a state of emergency. In the legal framework of emergency owns this Act and other laws of Ukraine, which include the Law of Ukraine "On Legal Regime of Martial Law," "On the zone of ecological emergency", "On protection of population and territories from emergency situations of technogenic and natural character "," On Combating Terrorism "and others. Also the legal framework introducing the state of emergency related international instruments, to which Ukraine. For example, the International Covenant "On Civil and Political Rights" enshrines the principles of a state of emergency, purpose, terms and order of administration, law and liberty can not be limited in terms of the present constitutional and legal regime. As noted above, the President of Ukraine has the authority to decide on a state of emergency in Ukr...

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