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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

Реферат Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

aine or in its particular areas. Based on this decision the President of Ukraine issued a decree imposing a state of emergency in Ukraine or in its particular areas to be approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Decree of the President of the state of emergency suspends some legislation restricts the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (other than those referred to in Art. 64 of the Constitution of Ukraine), organizes the activities of public authorities, in which a duty to implement the emergency measures condition. Decree is mandatory, binding upon all subjects, its implementation is guaranteed coercive power of the state.enter a state of emergency requires special conditions. Conditions - such a system of social relations, the presence of which provides for the introduction of public emergency or in separate areas. The state of emergency may be introduced only if real (ie one that has already occurred) threats, or constitutional frets, eliminating any other means is impossible. State of emergency legal regime is the right but not the duty of the President of Ukraine, because even if the conditions for its input current, state of emergency may not be declared if the situation can be normalized by using other urgent arrangements. For example, in 2005 the Autonomous Republic of Crimea because of the spread of avian influenza was introduced state of emergency due to the impossibility of stabilization measures have been taken.of Ukraine "On the legal state of emergency" provides the following conditions entering this mode:

) of especially grave emergency man-made and natural disasters (natural disasters, accidents, particularly large fires, use of weapons, pandemics panzootiy etc.) that pose a threat to life and health of large segments of the population;

) the implementation of massive terrorist attacks involving loss of life or destruction of critical life-support facilities;

) the emergence of ethnic and religious conflicts, block or capture certain critical facilities or areas that threatens the safety of citizens and affects normal activity of state and local governments;

) the emergence of mass disorders accompanied by violence against citizens, restricting their rights and liberties;

) attempts to capture state power or change the constitutional order of Ukraine by violence;

) mass transition border of the territory of neighboring states;

) the need to restore constitutional order and public authorities.list of these conditions is comprehensive, and to prevent the usurpation of power, not allowed the imposition of emergency treatment in the presence of other conditions.

. Action formations at carrying evakozahodiv and ensure public order in emergency situations

order to ensure law and order, prevent and su...

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