reed is Natures greed. Nature is just trying out Insanity for a while, to see what happens next ... See if it can 'cure' itself, or if not 'cleanse' itself, and start again with another toy ... p>
Global Warming - chlorofluorocarbons, etc.of these are through emissions of waste products; however, resolving this issue can never be done. Because in the end, all Work will end up producing heat, and as long as we produce more heat then that we can radiate off into space, the globe will heat up. p align="justify"> Stupidity - general population becoming less concerned with education.true, nobody is interested in education because they are mentally stimulated to not be interested. A few have the power and with that resources and they will try to keep all competitors down. This is done through media and politics. p align="justify"> Habitat Destruction - people destroy nature to make room for more money, it costs more work/money/time to adapt to the environment than that it costs to adapt the environment to your cheapest solution.
Religion - People believe many conflicting ideas.religion is bad. It boils down to having a select few deciding what and how to think and act. And since these select few want to have most resources available to them, they want to stay in power, thus they will keep their subordinates uneducated and discourage or even punish any thought that goes against their issued believes. Having multiple religions being indoctrinated different things does not help either. The only solution is education based on a strict principle and giving people the basic knowledge to examine all things themselves and make up their own mind, but try and prevent them to organize and have a few of them rule others with their ideas.some people on Earth, who do not want to stay here, to be able to relocate from or off of Earth? Is they either don't like it here, or want to be transferred anyway? p align="justify"> global problem society
Список проблем, що стоять перед суспільством сьогодні:
Перенаселення - надто багато людей, без їжі, води, житла і т.д.
Забруднення - збиток навколишньому середовищу
Глобальне потепління - хлорфторвуглеці, і т.д.
Війна - люди вбивають один одного з різних причин
Дурість - населення в цілому стає все менш освіченим
Ожиріння/хвороби - Люди помирають від неправильного рішення чи невезіння
Руйнування середовища існування - люди руйнують природу, щоб звільнити місце для більшої кількості людей
Вимирання видів - відомо, що рідкісні види зменшуються
Релігія - Люди вірять і існує багато суперечливих ідей
Чи всі це проблеми? Ще конфлікти (перенаселеність, хвороби людей, в...