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Реферат 10-th century in English history

was not enough food etc. And the whole of his army was exhausted by the battles in Scotland. And on the 14th of October 1066 the English and Norman armies met near a very famous place, Hastings. Harold's forces gathered on the Crestally Hill and formed a wall of shields. The battle lasted all day, and at first the English position seemed quite strong, but apparently was lost, through different reasons, but the 1streason was, of course, the lack of discipline rather than the lack of force. And gradually the English troops were broken up. The centre held untill dask, but the outcome was already clear, when Harold fell on the spot marked in later centuries by the High by Battle Abbey. So Harold was killed, and later there was built a High Alter of Battle Abbey on the spot where proposely Harold had been killed.

William adnavced to Dover and then to Canterbury, where he received the submission of Winchester. But the main goal for him was, of course, London. But he met opposition at London Bridge. So William encircled then the city leaving a trial of delastation. What happened during three weeks of this (en) circling in London? Starvation came into London, and so English nobles offered their fuilty and on Christmas Day (and that was the 25th of December, 1066) Duke William of Normandy was acclaimed king in a church (Westminster Abbey, which built by Edward the Confessor). And at last some stability was coming to England.

The Normands recognized that although the country they had conquered was wealthy, a proper administrative system had to be established to ensure future prospert. And indeed it became a time of great power building by a people, who were basicly warriors and they didn't know anything but war. Castles were built to emphasise the Norman (s) presence and authorities. p> Castles were initially [на початку] earth and timber constructions, which could be quickly erected in areas, where defence was considered of immediate importance. These castles laid a gab way to more permanent stone castles, such as a very famous tower in London, which is called the White Tower, and another very famous castle coming from the Norman time, it is Windsor Castle, which is not far from London. p> Some cathedrals soon appeared too, and again those such as Darem Cathedral are testimony [свідоцтво] to Norman architectural skills. All these buildings were evidence of the conquerers 'control providing centres for both: political and religious rule.

Now too came the beginnings of a defined social structure with Norman lords, the masters, the lower orders very much their servants. Creating what was to become known historically as the FEUDAL SYSTEM, the lords lurched support and protection of their people and provided them with land in return for their loyal service (principally, this service was military). For the understanding, what this military service meant, Norman lords were obligated to provide a number of knights for service rufly proportioned to the size of their estate. Despite the keeping problems of feudalism, newly introduced lords, highered taxes and different tuns, the nation still, very slowly, but it started to become united.

But while the common people adapted to this new system, the Norman nobility fought among themselves. Nobles and monarchs wanted more power and more land. Inheritence at that time was almost all disputed [оскаржувати], leading to the establishing of a rule, under which the eldest male child automatically enjoyed a rightful claim and a poor younger children had nothing.

Even this wasn't done without problems. William I (1066-1087) died after being thrown from his horse in the French town of Monte, which he had burnt as a result of a border conflict. William left Normandy to his eldest son, Robert, and England to his second son, William II, believing that he was the right man to rule over a very often troublesome country. Robert, however, wanted to be lord of the two countries. He and William (1087-1105), known as Rufus (= red, cz he had not only red hair, but a red face as he drank a lot), became bitterphones. Eventually Robert recites Normandy to William in 1096 in order to rate fun to inmbar on the first crusade. He wanted to be famous and he decided to go on a first crusade. William was a very warrior person and he had an impressive military record. He was successful against Norman rebel (l) and the French army. He would recognize overlord in Scotland, but William earned a reputation not only of a fine soldier, but the patron of fine buildings too. His greatest achievements was Westminster Hall, whose vast interior is still used on state occasions.

William died in 1105 in a very suspicious hunting accident in the New Forest, while he was hunting out with his brother Henry. Henry I moved quickly to secure power and eventually defeated elder brother Robert in 1106. Robert was imprisoned in Cardi...

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