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Реферат The Geographical Position of Ukraine

Sophia's Cathedral and Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra. p> Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra

But Ukraine is not only Kyiv. There is also Western Ukraine with the Carpathians with their legends and with their unique nature and culture. One may visit the famous symbol of the Crimea - the castle "Swallow's nest" or the residence of Russian tsars in Livadia.

It is also possible to visit the last house of Chekhov, now the museum in Jalta. There Chekhov lived and wrote his last works. It is possible to go through Gogol places in Poltava region, see Dickanka, Sorochintsy.

One may also go to Zaporizhzhia, to the island of Кhortytsya. There the Ukrainian cossack's organization was born. One can go to Odesa and walk along the boulevards, where Pushkin walked a long time ago and touch the trees, which Pushkin touched. Near the small town of the Kaniv the monument to the Ukrainian national genius Taras Shevchenko is situated. The museum, where the books, drawing and manuscripts of Shevchenko are kept, is situated in the village not far from Kaniv. Even the house, where he was born, is preserved. It is very interesting to look at it. p> One may come to Poltava, visit the museum of the famous Poltava battle, the field where Petro the Great defeated the Swedes. p> There is a lot to see in Ukraine and to be proud of. And I am glad to live in such a country, with all these beautiful monuments.

7. The education System in Ukraine

Ukraine has got father developed system of education. General secondary education is free and compulsory. There are many gymnasiums, lycees and private schools in Ukraine. The secondary school must secure a uniform level of knowledge necessary for each student. Post-secondary education is provided by technical schools, colleges and institution of higher learning: universities, academies and institutes. At each institute or university there are is a post-graduate course with postgraduates working for their scientific degrees.

There are many scientific educational and academic centres in Ukraine. Kyiv with its famous National University named after T. Shevchenko, Polytechnic University, Kyivo-Mohylyanska Academy which resumed its work in 1991. There are three faculties in the Academy now: the humanities, social and national sciences. Lviv is the leading scientific and cultural centre of Western Ukraine. It has a number of research institutes of high level.

Kharkiv University has 10 faculties: mechanics-mathematics, physics, physics-technology, radio-physics, chemistry, biology, economics, history, philology and foreign languages. Ukraine numbers a total of 1.5 million college and university students. Graduates from the Ukrainian institution of higher learning become famous writers, prominent diplomats, economists, chemists, mathematicians and others.

8. Ukrainian Youth Nowadays

Nowadays much attention is paid to our youth. The desire of our young people to become qualified specialists in future motivates them to enter higher educational establishments. Higher education for young people nowadays is the method of developing their talents and abilities, their creative potential. That's why beside their studies they are also engaged in different clubs and organizations. A lot of young people go in for sports. That is why schools and institutes have sport clubs and teams. Our young people are especially interested in football, basketball, hockey etc. There also exists a great variety of different clubs in this country. Future belongs to the youth. Many young people are engaged in political parties and organizations such as В«the greensВ», the Union of Ukrainian Youth and others.

Almost every school or institute has its own team of joyful and smart (KVN). This game is rather popular among our young people and it helps them to bring out their brightest talents and to create team spirit. Young people learn to share the moments of luck and failure, to work together. Beside studies young people are also engaged in scientific and research work. Nowadays this sphere is not paid too much attention. There also exists the Ukrainian branch of youth organization Greenpeace in Ukraine. This organization protests against environmental pollution, against murder of all animals. Young people learn to love their land and the world that surrounds them.

9. The problem of Environmental Protection in Ukraine

The protection of nature has become one of the most burning problems of the 21 st century. The Earth provides people with mineral resources, rivers, forests, fields - everything that makes the foundation of industrial and agricultural production. Why does all this want protection? Because people often do things which pollute land and waters greatly. It's very dangerous because it damages health of the people.

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