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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Origin and essence of global problems

Реферат Origin and essence of global problems

after this, increase of level of the seas and flooding of considerable sites of land. As a result, one hundred millions people risk turning into «ecological refugees». Problems of the present and, first of all, sharp aggravation of an environmental problem, set for mankind the task of search of new ways of development, reorganization of the relations with environment.

Global problems

century became an eyelid of global problems. Global problems - it is set of the most pressing vital questions on which progress and survival of mankind depends: the ecological crisis generated by catastrophic on the consequences by invasion of the person in the biosphere; accruing exhaustion of not renewable natural resources, prompt growth of population in the poor countries and sharp falling of birth rate in the countries developed.to all these troubles anthropological accident was added still: damage of a gene pool and as a result of it is emergence of the increasing number of mentally retarded and physically defective children. It is caused also by environmental pollution, including radioactive, and growth of consumption of alcohol, and destruction of the best people of society. The huge damage was caused to a gene pool by war, hunger and repressions: the first the best perished always, the most initiative, and the most talented.problems are called so because there is no country in the world which they anyway wouldn «t concern - and still because to solve them it is possible only by common efforts of all countries together.international terrorism which threatens all civilized mankind became one more global problem. Behind spikes in violence, murders of hostages, explosions of houses with people in the different countries stands, probably, the whole branched organization financed by large industrial groups or even by the whole states. Fight against the international terrorism became the most important global problem of the present, for its decision all democratic states of the world unite now.mass media became a global problem. The television and radio not only distributed information, but were also the powerful tool of cultural education of the people. But for the last 20 years in all developed countries such system of mass communication in which everything is centralized and monopolized was created.different groups of people in the different countries could interpret the events in own way. Now all information streams extend worldwide in essence from one center and most often give the distorted interpretations of the events. The vast majority of communication streams is made or controlled by narrow group of media oligarchs. Global society actually passed to owner s huge «factory of dreams». For example, the American way of life becomes dominating for the whole world. The American cinema which is broadcast by all TV companies of the world, costs not much (why it is bought by all), and the maintenance of it «cultural consumer goods»- Almost entirely blood, violence, continuous murders, etc.the huge mass of people the whole world is concentrated on the TV screen. Without television no ideas exist, no politicians function, any social movements are unknown if aren »t shown on the screen. Now policy - it that passed through the TV screen. Our concern in a crime rate or ecology is directly connected with in what volume these subjects are touched by mass media, firs...

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