Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Roman Catholic labor movement in Grodno province (last third of XIX - beginning of 20 century.)

Реферат Roman Catholic labor movement in Grodno province (last third of XIX - beginning of 20 century.)

e last mention of the Union, has only 38 full members and 37 members sorevnovateley [3, pp.105]. Most likely, the existence of society gradually disappeared as a result of progressive restrictive actions by the civil authorities.

Thus, under constant police surveillance of the Roman Catholic associations were forced to adapt, find a qualitatively different form of existence. Roman Catholic workers 'organizations in the Grodno province failed to unite the workers and act on the objectives outlined in the statutes. In many respects this policy contributed to the civil authorities, aimed at preventing similar societies, as well as the actual departure of the unions from the goals outlined in the statute.

List of sources and literature

1. Rerum novarum// 100 years of Christian social doctrine. - London: House of Mary, 1991. - 65 pp. p> 2. The point of habeas data Vilna governor-general in what churches today are Roman Catholic fraternity/National Historical Archive in Grodno. - Fund.1. - Op.8. - D.1831. p> 3. The thing about the society of Christians working in the city of Grodno// National Historical Archive in Grodno. - Fund.1. - Op.9. - D.96. br/>

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