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Реферат Roman Catholic labor movement in Grodno province (last third of XIX - beginning of 20 century.)

the alliance against the candidate told privately personally rule over the same two weeks. If the board refused to accept, it is not obligated to explain the reasons for its resolution. The responsibilities of each member were respected and faithfully the duties of a Christian: to develop the virtues of their class, mainly temperance, diligence, frugality, solidarity and integrity [3, pp.12-14].

Priest S. Bernice remained honorary chairman of all meetings of the accounting society. S. Bernice glorified by the fact that the organization opposed the staging of performances in Russian. May 2, 1908 Prince-V. A. Drutsko Mrs. Lyubetsky for services and donations for the benefit of society was unanimously elected an honorary member [3, pp.46, 49].

In 1907, "The Christian Workers ' Association "consisted of 114 members, of them - 4 honorary. During this year the organization held two family evenings with dancing and three plays. For members of the society was accepted as follows: in the case of the death of his wife were given relief in the amount of 20 rubles to the deaths of children under age 17 - 10 rubles; death in children older than 17 years of age and fit for labor - the money was not given because they may be members society [3, pp.54]. In 1908 it was decided to reduce the contributions for full members and 40 kopecks. Tariff for members sorevnovateley remained the same - three rubles. In addition, doctors for the treatment of members of society to pay the fee in full from the inaugural fund. The patient pays only a cab [3, pp.52]. p> June 15, 1907 on their way to Roman Catholic procession in the street Kupecheskaya Grodno on the balcony of the house № 17 Calixto Avgusevicha in which the rule was "Christian Workers ' Union, members of the society, and K. V. Sacro Avgusevichem initiated by the priest in. Bernice was arranged altar. However, according to the imperial order of January 29, 1904 and on 13 September 1907 of the Vilna governor-general of all that related to religious processions, without the prior permission of the provincial leadership suppressed: the perpetrators were fined 500 rubles, or arrest for up to three months. Grodno region governor, instead of directly punishing the guilty, did not approve the company's charter bakeries and bakery on shares in the "Christian Workers 'Union" [3, pp.73]. In 1908, the society also forbade dancing nights and carry the Christmas tree, which made the main income of the organization: more than 300 rubles a year. Grodno governor also banned the company's charter to change [3, pp.73]. By 1911 is the last mention of the Union, has only 38 full members and 37 members sorevnovateley [3, pp.105]. Most likely, the existence of society gradually disappeared as a result of progressive restrictive actions by the civil authorities.

The aim of society is to raise education among workers in the religious-moral, intellectual and social relations. In order to implement the intended target organization has the right to organize regular meetings at which they were made instructive reading, friendly carnivals and other allowable entertainment, organize libraries and reading rooms, mediate contentious issues and helped pacify misunderstandings between employers and workers, contributed to the device funeral fund, auxiliary-savings and other similar institutions, as well as consumer stores, planned and publishing their own newspapers [3, pp.41].

According to the regulations of the Union appeared that a member of society could be anyone who has paid three-ruble fee, and each member of the board enrolled in the society. In addition, the board could appoint outsiders to the post of secretary and librarian at the meetings of the society, which were delivered public lectures and readings, to attend outsiders, and this in turn did not like the police [3, pp.45].

June 15, 1907 on their way to Roman Catholic procession in the street Kupecheskaya Grodno on the balcony of the house № 17 Calixto Avgusevicha in which the rule was "Christian Workers ' Union, members of the society, and K. V. Sacro Avgusevichem initiated by the priest in. Bernice was arranged altar. However, according to the imperial order of January 29, 1904 and on 13 September 1907 of the Vilna governor-general of all that related to religious processions, without the prior permission of the provincial leadership suppressed: the perpetrators were fined 500 rubles, or arrest for up to three months. Grodno region governor, instead of directly punishing the guilty, did not approve the company's charter bakeries and bakery on shares in the "Christian Workers 'Union" [3, pp.73]. In 1908, the society also forbade dancing nights and carry the Christmas tree, which made the main income of the organization: more than 300 rubles a year. Grodno governor also banned the company's charter to change [3, pp.73]. By 1911 is th...

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