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Реферат Англійська мова для юристів-бакалаврів

, звертаючи увагу на обставини часу

1. ... Now (at the moment of speech) we are telling, laws are keeping the society together, he is driving on the left side of the road, they are seeking to change the law;

. ... Already, by now (by the moment of speech) they have formulated the law, government has authorized the court to complete the investigation, the criminal has broken the law, he has taken unfair advantage of the weaker, the life has changed.

. ... Last ..., ... ago, in 1997 (date) people began to create laws long ago, last week the parliament amended the law, yesterday he testified under oath at the trial, in 1985 the Law Society relaxed the rules. p align="justify">. Виберіть правильну форму дієслова. p align="justify">. Students (are studying, study) law at the University. 2. He already (graduated, has graduated) from the university. 3, Last year he (graduated, has graduated) from the university. 4. The police (didn t find, haven t found) the killer yet. 5. For about 10 years legislators (discussed, have been discussing) the bill. 6. Every year the State Duma of the RF (is passing, passes) a lot of laws. 7. In 1992 our country (ratified, had ratified) the treaty. 8. Lawyers (came, have come) to the agreement by the end of the present session. 9. You (are looking, look) very thoughtful. What (do you think, are you thinking) about? - I (think, am thinking) about retirement. - But you are only 25. You only just (started, have started) your career. - I (know, am knowing), but I (read, have read) an article which (says, is saying) that a sensible man (started, starts) thinking about retirement at 25.

6. Переведіть пропозиції, звертаючи увагу на виділені слова, які виступають в різних функціях в пропозиції. br/>

Тисячі англійських слів вільно використовуються у функціях декількох частин мови. Найбільш широко поширена здатність виступати в двох функціях у іменника і дієслова, наприклад: state - держава, стан і заявляти, викладати, judge - суддя і судити, claim - вимога, судовий позов і претендувати, заявляти, force - сила і змушувати, rule - правило, норма і керувати, постановляти. Правильний перший крок до розуміння сенсу англійської висловлювання - не пошук в словнику російських відповідників англійською словами, а визначення граматичної ролі слова в реченні. До розуміння сенсу англійської висловлювання можна прийти лише після того, як виявлено його граматична структура, при цьому необхідно керуватися формальними показниками слова і твердим порядком слів в англійському реченні.

1. A judge is a court officer authorized to decide legal cases. But who are they to judge us? <# "Justify"> Almost everything we do is governed by some set of rules. There are rules for games, for social clubs, for sports and for adults in the workplace. There are also rules imposed by morality and custom that play an important role in telling us what we should and should not do. However, some rules - those made by the state or the courts - are called "laws". Laws resemble morality because they are designed to control or alter our behavior. But unlike rules of morality, laws are enforced by the courts; if you break a law - whether you like that law or not - you may be forced to pay a fine, pay damages, or go to prison.are some rules so special that they are made into laws? Why do we need rules that everyone must obey? In short, what is the purpose of law? We did not live in a structured society with other people, laws would not be necessary. We would simply do as we please, with little regard for others. But ever since individuals began to associate with other people - to live in society - laws have been the glue that has kept society together. For example, the law in our country states that we must drive our cars on the right-hand side of a two-way street. If people were allowed to choose at random which side of the street to drive on, driving would be dangerous and chaotic. Laws regulating our business affairs help to ensure that people keep their promises. Laws against criminal conduct help to safeguard our personal property and our lives.in a well-ordered society, people have disagreements and conflicts arise. The law must provide a way to resolve these disputes peacefully. If two people claim to own the same piece of property, we do not want the matter settled by a duel: we turn to the law and to institutions like the courts to decide who is the real owner and to mak...

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