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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Полімерно-бітумні в'яжучі

Реферат Полімерно-бітумні в'яжучі

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. Krutz NC, Siddharthan R, Stroup-Gardiner M. Investigation of rutting potential using static creep testing on polymer-modified asphalt concrete mixtures. Trans Res Rec: J Trans Res Board 1991; +1317: 100-8.

. Stock AF, Arand W. Low temperature cracking in polymer modified binders. In: Asphalt paving technology 1993: Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists; Тисячу дев'ятсот дев'яносто три March 22-24; Austin, Texas. St. Paul, Minnesota: Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists; 1993. p. 23-53.

. Lu X, Isacsson U, Ekblad J. Phase separation of SBS polymer modified bitumens. J Mater Civ Eng 1999; 11 (1): 51-7.

. Collins JH, Bouldin MG, Gelles R, Berker A. Improved performance of paving asphalts by polymer modification (with discussion). In: Asphalt paving technology 1991: Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists; Тисяча дев'ятсот дев'яносто-один March 4-6; Seattle, Washington. St. Paul, Minnesota: Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists; 1991. p. 43-79.

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. Sengoz B, Isikyakar G. Evaluation of the properties andmicrostructure of SBS and EVA polymer modified bitumen. Constr Build Mater 2008; 22 (9): 1897-905.

. Topal A. Evaluation of the properties and microstructure of plastomeric polymer modified bitumens. Fuel Process Technol +2010; 91 (1): 45-51.

. Lu X, Isacsson U. Artificial aging of polymer modified bitumens. J Appl Polym Sci 2000; 76 (12): 1811-24.

. Hoare TR, Hesp SAM. Low-temperature fracture testing of asphalt binders: regular and modified systems. Trans Res Rec: J Trans Res Board 2000; +1728: 36-42.

. Khattak MJ, Baladi GY. Fatigue and permanent deformation models for polymer-modified asphalt mixtures. Trans Res Rec: J Trans Res Board 2001; 1767: 135-45.

. Ruan Y, Davison RR, Glover CJ. Oxidation and viscosity hardening of polymer-modified asphalts. Energy Fuels 2003; 17 (4): 991-8.

. Durrieu F, Farcas F, Mouillet V. The influence of UV aging of a styrene/butadiene/styrene modified bitumen: comparison between laboratory and on site aging. Fuel 2007; 86 (10-11): 1446-51.

. Mouillet V, Farcas F, Besson S. Ageing by UV radiation of an elastomer modified bitumen. Fuel +2008; 87 (12): 2408-19.

. Khodaii A, Mehrara A. Evaluation of permanent deformation of unmodified and SBS modified asphalt mixtures using dynamic creep test. Constr Build Mater +2009; 23 (7): 2586-92.

. Cortizo MS, Larsen DO, Bianchetto H, Alessandrini JL. Effect of the thermal degradation of SBS copolymers during the ageing of modified asphalts. Polym Degrad Stab 2004; 86 (2): 275-82.

. Sugano M, Iwabuchi Y, Watanabe T, Kajita J, Iwata K, Hirano K. Relations between thermal degradations of SBS copolymer and asphalt substrate in polymer modified asphalt. Clean Technol Environ Policy 2010; 12 (6): 653-9.

. Kutay ME, Gibson N, Youtcheff J. Conventional and viscoelastic continuum damage (VECD) -based fatigue analysis of polymer modified asphalt pavements (with discussion). In: Asphalt paving technology 2008: Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists; 2 008 April 27-30; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. St. Paul, Minnesota: Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists; 2008. p. 395-434.

113. Hern? Ndez G, Medina EM, S? Nchez R, Mendoza AM. Thermomechanical and rheological asphalt modification using styrene-butadiene triblock copolymers with different microstructure. Energy Fuels 2006; 20 (6): 2623-6.

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