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Реферат Полімерно-бітумні в'яжучі

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. De Filippis P, Giavarini C, Santarelli ML. Sulphur-extended asphalt: reaction kinetics of H2S evolution. Fuel 1998; 77 (5): 459-63.

. Sinha Ray S, Okamoto M. Polymer/layered silicate nanocomposites: a review from preparation to processing. Prog Polym Sci 2003; 28 (11): 1539-641.

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. Vargas MA, Vargas MA, S? Nchez-S? Lis A, Manero O. Asphalt/polyethylene blends: rheological properties, microstructure and viscosity modeling. Constr Build Mater 2013; 45: 243-50.

. Rojas JM, Hern? ndez NA, Manero O, Revilla J. Rheology and microstructure of functionalized polymer-modified asphalt. J Appl Polym Sci +2010; 115 (1): 15-25.

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. Crossley GA, Hesp SAM. New class of reactive polymer modifiers for asphalt: mitigation of moisture damage. Trans Res Rec: J Trans Res Board 2000; +1728: 52-9.

. Maurano CHF, Portal LL, Neto RB, Mauler RS. Functionalization of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) triblock copolymer with maleic anhydride. Polym Bull 2001; 46 (6): 491-8.

. Cordella CD, Cardozo NSM, Neto RB, Mauler RS. Functionalization of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) triblock copolymer with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA). J Appl Polym Sci 2003; 87 (13): 2074-9.

. Selvavathi V, Sekar VA, Sriram V, Sairam B. Modifications of bitumen by elastomer and reactive polymer - a comparative study. Pet Sci Technol 2002; 20 (5-6): 535-47.

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199. H? N? Sl? Og? Lu S, Ag? Ar E. Use of waste high density polyethylene as bitumen modifier in asphalt concrete mix. Mater Lett 2004; 58 (3-4): 267-71.

200. Garc? A-Mora les M, Partal P, Navarro FJ, Gallegos C. Effect of waste polymer addition on the rheology of modified bitumen. Fuel 2006; 85 (7-8): 936-43.

. Panda M, Mazumdar M. Utilization of reclaimed polyethylene in bituminous paving mixes. J Mater Civ Eng 2002; 14 (6): 527-30.

. Yousefi AA, Ait-Kadi A, Roy C. Composite asphalt binders: effect of modified RPE on asphalt. J Mater Civ Eng 2000; 12 (2): 113-23.

203. Garc? A-Morales M, Partal P, Navarro FJ, Mart? Nez-Boza FJ, Gallegos C. Processing, rheology, and storage stability of recycled EVA/LDPE modified bitumen. Polym Eng Sci 2007; 47 (2): 181-91.

. Abdel-Goad MAH. Waste polyvinyl chloride-modified bitumen. J Appl Polym Sci 2006; 101 (3): 1501-5.

205. Garc? A-Morales M, Partal P, Navarro FJ, Mart? Nez-Boza F, Mackley MR, Gallegos C. The rheology of recycled EVA/LDPE modified bitumen. Rheol Acta 2004; 43 (5): 482-90.

206. Garc? A-Morales M, Partal P, Navarro FJ, Mart? Nez-Boza F, Gallegos C. Linear viscoelasticity of recycled EVA-modified bitumens. Energy Fuels 2004; 18 (2): 357-64.

207. Fuentes-Aud? N C, Sandoval JA, Jerez A, Navarro FJ, Mart? Nez-Boza FJ, Partal P, et al. Evaluation of thermal and mechanical properties of recycled polyethylene modified bitumen. Polym Test +2008; 27 (8): 1005-12.

. Fang C, Li T, Zhang Z, Jing D. Modification of asphalt by packaging waste-polyethylene. Polym Compos 2008; 29 (5): 500-5.

. Casey D, McNally C, Gibney A, Gilchrist MD. Development of a recycled polymer modified binder for use in stone mastic asphalt. Resour Conserv Recycl +2008; 52 (10): 1167-74.

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