.2 The ATCO workload
On the figure 7.2 there is the ATCO workload coefficient for every 10 minutes. According to this diagram:
- Average ATCO workload=0.67;
- Min ATCO workload=0.090;
- Max ATCO workload=0.895.the analysis of results obtained above I can make the conclusion that the ATCO is overloaded because there is a period of time when the workload coefficient is greater than maximum acceptable. That s why I decided to divide CTA «Ivlieva» on two parts in horizontal plane to decrease the workload of a controller.
7. Construction of zone «Ivlieva_North», flight plan and ATCO workload
Fig.8.1 CTA «Ivlieva_North» on scheme
8.1 Flight plan for CTA «Ivlieva_North»
№Route of flightEntrance timeEntrance FLACFT typeRegistration Number TRANSIT 1МЮ-СК08:00390B763625012МЮ-ТП08:11390B763328023ЕМ-ОС08:13350IL76625034ЕМ-ЛП-СК08:25320F100625055МЮ-ЕМ08:30430B763625066СК-ПК08:32320F100625077ТВ-РТ-ДЗ08:32350IL76625088ЕМ-МЮ08:33260YK40625099СК-МЮ08:40240YK406251210ЕМ-ОС08:43380A3206251311СК-ПК08:45330F1006251412СК-ЕМ-ПС08:48390B7636251513МЮ-ЕМ08:52370IL766251714МЮ-РТ-ЛП-ЕМ08:55330F1006251815ЕМ-ОС08:59400B7636252016ТП-МЮ08:38320B7635130117ДЗ-РТ-ТВ09:07400A3206251118ПК-СК09:08360IL766250419ПК-СК09:17390A3206251020ТП-МЮ09:29360B76351305 TMA2 arrival 21ТВ-РТ-АР08:02330/120/0B7631510122МЮ-РТ-АР08:15230/90/0F1001510212ЕМ-ЛП-АР08:31320/130/0A3201510313СК-ЛП-АР08:45250/100/0IL761510414МЮ-РТ-АР08:53200/700/0F10015105 TMA2 departure 15АР-ЛП-СК08:070/90/160F1001400116АР-РТ-ТВ08:220/110/320B7631400217АР-РТ-МЮ08:360/130/300B7631400318АР-ЛП-ЕМ08:480/120/350B7631400419АР-РТ-ТВ08:050/90/200YK4014005 division of CTA lead to the following:
.8.2 The CTA «Ivlieva_North» in program «POTOK»
Fig.8.3 The ATCO workload in CTA «Ivlieva_North»
Thus, according to the obtained results we see that the ATCO workload fell down and remained acceptable during the all period.
8. Construction of zone «Ivlieva_North», flight plan and ATCO workload
Fig. 9.1 CTA «Ivlieva_South» on scheme
Table 9.1 Flight plan for CTA «Ivlieva_South»
№Route of flightEntrance timeEntrance FLACFT typeRegistration number TRANSIT 1ОВ-НМ-СУ08:03250YK40625022ПК-БЕ-СУ08:20350IL76625033ВК-БЕ-ПК08:25360IL76625044ПК-БЕ-ВК08:46320F100625075ОС-БЕ-СУ08:49380A320625136СУ-БЕ-ПК08:34390A320625107СУ-ДЗ08:36400A320625118ОВ-ВК08:50240F100625169СУ-НМ-ОВ08:55390A3206251910ОС-БЕ-СУ09:05400B7636252011ДЗ-СУ09:06350IL766250812ПК-БЕ-ВК09:14330F1006251413ПС-ОВ09:14390B76362515 TMA2 arrival 14ВК-НМ-ДО08:01220/80/0A3203280115ТП-БЕ-ДО08:17390/70/0B7633280216ОВ-НМ-ДО08:26160/30/0F1003280317СУ-НМ-ДО08:38100/60/0YK403280418ВК-НМ-ДО08:57300/70/0IL7632805 TMA2 departure 19ДО-БЕ-ТП08:040/80/320B7635130120ДО-НМ-ВК08:060/40/90F1005130221ДО-НМ-ОВ08:280/80/270IL765130322ДО-БЕ-ОС08:290/70/210YK405130423ДО-БЕ-ТП08:550/80/360B76351305 «Ivlieva_South» has a following look:
Fig.9.2 The look of CTA «Ivlieva_South» in program «POTOK»
.9.3 The ATCO workload in the CTA «Ivlieva_South»
We see that ATCO workload fell down and became normal during the all period of time.
After the performance of term work I analyzed obtained results and made the conclusion that the ATCO workload depends on such traffic indicators as density, intensity, etc. That s why suitable planning of airspace structure leads to declining of workload which reduces the possibility of conflicts and conflict situations appearance.
1. Terms of aircraft operations and air traffic services in the classified airspace of Ukraine: Order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine of 16.04.2003 №293 as amended by the order of Ministry of Transport of Ukraine of 31.01.2004 p., №62. (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 23.02.2004, №238/8 837)// Official Herald of Ukraine.- 2003. - №18.
. Doc 8643/37. Aircraft type indicators: - 37th ed.- Montreal: ICAO, 2009.
. Doc +4444-ATM/501. Air traffic management: - 15th ed.- Mo...