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Реферат Criticism of Vladimir Propp's Theory on Genesis of Magic Fairy Tales 'Structure

timate Bases (CUB) I understand the constitutive, structural components of worldview connected with socialization and improvement of fundamental bases of existence of the person in the world in context of his finitary temporality. CUB in their worldview aspect are not only objective forms of existence of the person in the world (ontology of CUB), but also means of understanding of this phenomenon (worldview and philosophical aspect of CUB). p> Reasoning from the use of the term "categories of ultimate bases" which is available in the literature one can draw the following conclusion. If categories of philosophy are the general forms of activity, and activity, in some authors 'opinion (V. Zviglyanich, M. Parniuk), is the ultimate basis of human existence in the world, it becomes clear that these categories simultaneously act as the general elements of the ultimate bases of existence of the person in the world. p> If we accept the fact, that categories are a certain generalization of activity, then the following step will consist in recognition of that this activity occurs with the purpose of realization of the basic cultural-universal formula of support and continuation of life. The Categories, consequently, represent some invariant moments not only of activity as a pure process, but also of the activity that consists of the person's aspiration for consolidation of the existence, supporting of life and overcoming of his own finiteness. p> As long as the person achieves the realization of the basic world outlook formula by means of functions that are peculiar to all living beings but are transformed in culture such as the nutritive and reproductive functions, the function of aggression and defence, and the function of transfer of experience, then, according to the above-listed functions that form a part of culture, they can be defined as alimentary , erotic, aggressive and informative codes of worldview. p> The given language is defined more exactly by the following theses. Attitudes of the person to the world represent a multivariate phenomenon, therefore the processes of transformation of natural displays of life to specifically human existence in the world are realized in different forms, depending on a level of the relation "The person - the world". In my opinion, the main of them are the objectively-practical, ritually-ceremonial, practically-spiritual and spiritually-theoretical levels of world attitude. p> Along with that, at all these levels one can see the basic vital impulse transformed to cultural forms which is expressed in the leitmotif of culture, in the basic cultural-world outlook formula " Generation and consolidation of life, the denying of death, aspiration for immortality ". In the habituГ©s changed in limits of culture these categories act as the genitive , vital , mortal and immortal categories of ultimate bases. p> A complex interaction (mixing or contamination) is possible both between the CUB and the codes. They also can get strong and weak forms of representation of type: death> disappearance> exile> removal> leaving (the mortal CUB); birth> appearance> arrival> approach (the genitive CUB); defeat> blow> a swear word (an aggressive code in contamination in the latter case with an informational code); love> a love inclination> friendship> sympathy (an erotic code), etc.

These natural inclinations undergo the certain changes in the system of culture. Simultaneously to cultivation , growing of the natural source in culture its transformation (reorganization) also takes place, that can be accompanied by the leading of natural instincts to the certain course, channel (canalize) . They can be also suppressed and forbidden ( tabooed ).

The world relations of the person are carried out in categorically ultimate forms. Therefore the available "aspects" of consideration of categories, such as ontological, logical, epistemological, functional, socio-historical and Weltanschauung-ideological (where the matter concerns their functioning in different forms of outlook) should be enlarged also by universally-cultural aspect. In fact along with all mentioned above, categories of philosophy have also such contents, and, accordingly, such function that are connected with characterization of the world on the basis of categories of ultimate bases extremely generalized in a philosophical reflection. p> Taking that into account philosophical categories appear also as a way of understanding by the person of his life at such level of generalization when antithetic categories, for instance, existence and nothing, finite and infinite, acceptance and denying, etc. appear as the form of a concrete definition of a global Weltanschauung (World-outlook) antithesis of life and death. p> As long as categories of philosophy app...

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