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Реферат How the comintern was stalinised


We were eventually told that there were gaps in the stories of the students from some of these countries, and they were liquidated in some way or another.

Later it was learned that Zinoviev and Bukharin had "Confessed" their mistakes and all could breathe freely again. p> This "party cleansing" gave me an idea of ​​what the Left Oppositionists and supporters of Trotsky must have gone through, for they were "dealt with" far more brutally.

By the time I reached the Lenin School, Trotsky had already been expelled from the Communist Party and exiled from the Soviet Union. No one at the school - students or tutors - would dare mention Trotsky. I was the only one who had the audacity to do that. In one of the books in the Lenin School library there still remained a praiseworthy passage on Trotsky. I made a reference from this passage to a tutor. He said that he would have a look into it, but I never heard any more of it.

As far as all the students were concerned, they were anti-Trotskyists, otherwise they would never have been sent there. I was perhaps the only exception, and that was because they had never asked me.

I had always had the keenest regard for Trotsky. The anti-Trotsky campaign had reached Australia not long before I left for the Soviet Union, and I had not taken it too seriously. p> During the course at the Lenin School - which was to have lasted three years but was cut short to less than two years - we did not study and of Trotsky's works. The falsification of the history of the Russian Revolution had already taken place. Trotsky, who along with Lenin had been the central organiser and leader of the revolution, was not mentioned throughout our course.

We were being trained as party leaders to be sent back to our respective countries. And so I returned to Australia to become a central leader of the Communist Party of Australia only to find myself in conflict with the Comintern representative and the Stalinist leadership he had nurtured.

They didn't realise that in sending me to the Lenin School I had taken my assignment seriously and had systematically educated myself in the theories of Marxism. This understanding of Marxism was to lead me through the fight with the Stalinists in the CPA and take me into the newly formed Trotskyist movement. p> From Direct Action , November 30, 1978

Notes on Ted Tripp

Ted Tripp was born in 1900 in London and died in Melbourne in 1992.

In a 1978 interview with Dave Deutschmann, published in D i rect Act io n , the newspaper of the Australian Socialist Workers Party, Tripp describes joining the Communist Party of Australia as a young British immigrant working as a fitter and turner in the railway workshops in Townsville, north Queensland.

"Walking down the main street of Townsville," he said, "I saw to my amazement an old man holding high the Workers Weekly . p> "After walking past him a few times, I summoned enough courage to speak to him. That was Harry Wilkes. He as a commercial traveller around various districts in north Queensland and took with him a suitcase of communist literature. I went to his room and became enraptured with his literature. "p> Tripp was recruited to the CPA by Herbert Moxon, at that time the Brisbane organiser of the CPA, and later to become CPA general secretary. Tripp and Moxon worked closely together for the next three years. p> Tripp organised the first CPA group in Townsville and represented the branch at the 1927 CPA conference.

During a state-wide rail strike in 1926, Tripp played a key organising role, which included producing a daily strike newspaper, which was distributed throughout the state. It was one of the first such daily strike newspapers in Australia.

One of the debates at the 1927 CPA conference was over what became known as the Queensland Resolution - whether the CPA should stand candidates against the Labor Party.

The conference decided the CPA should run its own candidates in the next Queensland elections.

As one of the three CPA candidates in the elections, Tripp received a large vote, which led the electoral officer to ask whether he wanted a recount. Tripp told the electoral officer that the result was already a victory for the CPA and a recount was not necessary. Peter Beilhartz, in notes from a 1976 interview with Tripp, says Tripp won about 1500 votes to the ALP candidate's 4000. p> This was at a time when CPA support was strong among the working-class of north Queensland's ports, railways and meatworks.

Two months later, Tripp became the first Australian selected to attend the Lenin School.

On returning to Australia, Tripp immediately came into conflict with Harry Wicks, the Comintern representative from the CPUSA, who used the part...

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