Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » The future tense

Реферат The future tense

work. Not Correct

В· I am going to see a movie when I have finished my homework. Correct

Adverb replacement in the Future Perfect Tense

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc.


В· You will only have learned a few words.

В· Will you only have learned a few words?

В· You are only going to have learned a few words.

Active voice and Passive voice in the Future Perfect Tense

The main formulae extracting Active voice from Passive Voice or vice versa remains the same almostly like before. Here are some examples:

В· They will have completed the project before the deadline . Active

В· The project will have been completed before the deadline . Passive

В· They are going to have completed the project before the deadline. Active

В· The project is going to have been completed before the deadline. Passive

5. The future tense В«Shall or Will have beenВ» (The Future Perfect Continuous)

Perfect Continuous has two different forms: В«will have been doingВ» and В«be going to have been doing.В» Unlike Simple Future forms, Future Perfect Continuous forms are usually interchangeable. the Future Perfect Continuous withВ« Will В»

[will have been + present participle]


В· You will have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives.

В· Will you have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives?

В· You will not have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives.

Forming the Future Perfect Continuous with В«Be Going ToВ»

[am/is/are + going to have been + present participle]


В· You are going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives.

В· Are you going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives?

В· You are not going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives.

Please note that: It is possible to use either В«willВ» or В«be going toВ» to create the Future Perfect Continuous with little or no difference in meaning.

Duration Before Something in the Future

We use the Future Perfect Continuous to show that something will continue up until a particular event or time in the future. В«For five minutes,В» В«for two weeks,В» and В«since FridayВ» are all durations which can be used with the Future Perfect Continuous. Notice that this is related to the Present Perfect Continuous and the Past Perfect Continuous; however, with Future Perfect Continuous, the duration stops at or before a reference point in the future. p align="justify"> Examples:

В· They will have been talking ...

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