a great discount. If you visit the shop and buy something, it ll be a good bargain.
) Each month I buy 2 or 3 books and I spend about 10 $ on them, but I don t think I waste my money, I enjoy reading.
5) Закріплення знань за темами Conditionals і конструкції have smth done And now I am going to check your knowledge in themes: Conditionals and construction have smth done. Take a sheet of paper, write your first name and your last name.
А. Повторення Conditional 3make sure that you understand the difference between different types of Conditionals, I propose you to do the next test. You must have in each question 2 answers, for example the 1st one: you are to write the type of conditional.
1. Якщо у мене буде час, то я прийду сьогодні. If I have time, I will come today. Conditional 1) will have b) have c) would come d) will come
2. Якби у мене був час, я прийшов би сьогодні (мрійник).
a) had b) had had c) would come d) would have come.
3. Якби у мене був час, я прийшов би вчора (поїзд пішов).
a) had b) had had c) would come d) would have come.
4. Якби я знав англійську мову, то перевів би текст сам (мрійник).
a) knew b) has know c) would translate d) would have translated.
5. Якби я тоді знав англійську мову, то перевів би текст сам (поїзд пішов).
a) knew b) had known c) would translate d) would have translated.
6) Якби він жив у великому місті, то не пропускав би виставок живопису (мрійник).
a) live b) lived c) wouldn t miss d) wouldn t have missed.
7) Якщо я поїду до Вашингтона, то відвідаю Капітолій.
a) will go, b) go c) visit, d) will visit
8) Якби я була у Вашингтоні, то відвідала б Капітолій (мрійник).
a) were b) was c) will visit d) would visit
9) Якби у мене був вільний час сьогодні або завтра, я зробила б цю роботу сама (мрійник).
a) have b) had c) would have done d) would do:
) b, d; 2) a, c; 3) b, d; 4) a, c; 5) b, d; 6) b, c; 7) b, d; 8) a, d; 9) b, d.
В. Повторення конструкції have smth donecheck your understanding of the grammatical construction have smth done, you are to do next exercises.1. Rewrite these sentences using have smth done2. Match a word from 1-8 with something that is done by that person or in that place. Then make sentences using all the information and the verb in brackets.may have to change the words or add new ones. An example is given.
Заключна частина
1) Підведення підсумків уроку, our lesson is coming to the end. I m happy to say we ve done a good bit of work during the lesson.did you learn today? Can you do now? (Can you express doubts? Can you give alternative suggestions, concede and refuse to concede in an argument?) Useful words and phrases have you learned?
) Інформація про домашнє завдання, інструкція про його виконання
Please, open your daybooks and write your home-assignment: 1 - 5 on page 81 in your WorkBook. Do them in a writer form, because I ll bring them together and check. Also, you are to translate new vocabulary in your WB on page 114 and learn it. For better learning do also exercises 1-3 on page 40 (WB).
you for the lesson. Good-bye!
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