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Реферат United states of America: geography, history, culture

g in the cities that could not support them. With the new industrial age, a new qauntitative and materialistic view of the world took place. This caused the need for people to consume as much as they could. This still happens today. Living on small wages that required small children to work in factories for long days., During this time much international strife was occuring at this time. The American Revolution was occuring in the beginning part of the Industrial Revolution. The French Revolution was in the process at the turn of the 19th century. This was a great time, but resulted in newly found democratic rights that spread through Europe and North America.Industrial Revolution, was not a good revolution for the planet. From the time of its start, the factories and industry has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by two-folds. Also in our drive for consumerism, our planets natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. Pollution by nuclear waste, pesticides and other chemicals are also the result of the Industrial Revolution. br/>

9. The Cold War in USA

more than 40 years - 1945-1989 - the USSR was in conflict with the West. But that conflict never came to open warfare ( hot war ). Why? It was mainly because the existence of nuclear weapons made hot war MAD ( mutually assured destruction ). That was why the conflict stayed a cold war ; both sides tried to undermine and destroy each other, but they dared not let it go to actual fighting - that would have destroyed them.was the Cold Wardid the USA and USSR become rivals in the period 1945 to 1949? you are thinking about the causes of the Cold War, the most important thing is to separate in your mind the long term underlying factors from the series of clashes and misunderstandings which actually triggered the breakdown in relations.USSR and the USA were separated by a huge ideological gulf. So the only thing that held the allies together was the need to destroy Hitler s Nazis. Given their underlying differences - when Hitler was finally defeated in 1945 - a Cold War was perhaps inevitable. The USA was a capitalist democracy; the USSR was a communist dictatorship. Both sides believed that they held the key to the future happiness of the human race. Neither was conflict new to the two sides. Stalin could not forgive Britain and America for helping the Whites against the Bolsheviks in the Civil Wars (1918-1921), and he believed that they had delayed D-Day in the hope that the Nazis would destroy Russia. In the meantime, Britain and America blamed the Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939 for starting the Second World War. Also, the two sides aims for Germany were different...

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